Beorn’s damage flowchart

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Derived from
Beorn’s damage flowchart 0 0 6 2.0
Inspiration for
Beorn’s damage flowchart 6 3 1 4.0
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tigormiti 901

tigormiti has a newer deck inspired by this one: Beorn’s damage flowchart

Basic Concept

The deck converts damage to Beorn into resources through Glóin. Here’s my attempt :

So damage to Beorn first goes to Gimli, then to Gloin... To perfect the set-up, Gloin can also equip Mighty Warrior and Vigilant Guard. A third copy of Vigilant Guard can also be in play, so that Beorn can regularly absorb attacks of strength 4 without incurring any damage, distributing damage among the dwarves (mainly Gloin).

Low-cost tech

Since this is an attachment-heavy deck with a lot of dwarf-mining tech, the best card is Galadriel, which not only allows to play attachments such as Self Preservation for free, but can also set up various shenanigans with Well-Equipped or King Under the Mountain, because she doesn’t shuffle the deck but only reorders it. She gets even better in conjunction with Gildor Inglorion, both conspiring to trigger Ered Luin Miner or Hidden Cache. Gildor Inglorion can put any costly attachment back into the deck, to be fetched by Well-Equipped . He can also swap the attachment with a Well-Equipped happening to be on top of the deck). Most attachments don’t need to be purchased straight up, but can be brought into play through Galadriel or Well-Equipped.

No Song of Wisdom is used. Instead, cards are tricked into play through events such as A Good Harvest, Sneak Attack (best target for this is Gildor Inglorion) or To me! O my kinsfolk!.

Starting hand and shenanigans

The ideal starting hand has Galadriel, Captain's Wisdom (to afford Galadriel in the first round), and King Under the Mountain.

Threat management

Favor of the Valar is ideal for this deck, since it is an attachment that can be put into play by Galadriel. This deck doesn’t mind high threats and being engaged (to the contrary), so its only concern is to avoid threat-based elimination. If you have Erebor Hammersmith and/or To me! O my kinsfolk!, you can recycle Favor of the Valar and postpone elimination for quite a while.


This deck is most suited against enemy-heavy scenarios such as The Seventh Level of Khazad Dum or The Watcher in the Water. I also pitted it against Passage Through Mirkwood Nightmare and Watcher in the Water Nightmare, to pretty good results.


Jan 30, 2018 RascaL 1

@tigormitiI think this is a really cool idea for a deck, but unfortunately you can't transfer damage that Beorn would take. Song of Mocking and Vigilant Guard cannot target Beorn because he is immune to player card effects :(

Jan 30, 2018 RascaL 1

@tigormitiOk sorry, correction, my understanding is that you can use Vigilant Guard to transfer damage from Beorn, but not song of mocking. Great deck!! Can't wait to try it.

Jan 30, 2018 tigormiti 901

Thanks man. I’d be really happy to hear about your ventures ! Unfortunately, this deck didn’t turn out the way I envisioned, as I misread a few things (such as Sneak attack and Galadriel not comboing, Song of Mocking not working on Beorn, needing to shuffle before A Very Good Tale, etc.), but there is still a lot of potential in there.