Beasts of Dale

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Roka 1659

This deck is build around Knight of Dale card and making maximum boost out of his abilty. At the end one of them can have stats of 3/4/4/5 and three readies per turn.

The heroes: Círdan the Shipwright came immediately to mind because he can ready the Knights a third time and boosting their stats with Narya. While Gandalf might work to, I like the spirit acces for more questing power and the card draw to get combo pieces out faster. Denethor can bring the Knights into play on turn one and Amarthiúl is mainly there to give acces to the tactics sphere and Raiment of War.

The Allies: Because the Knights work good with A Very Good Tale, we want some other expensive allies to get maximum benefit. Thankfully, a lot of them are in the Leadership Sphere. Arwen Undómiel can boost the defense of the Knights (and give sentinel for multiplayer), Silvan Refugees are cheap questers in the beginning, Ranger of Cardolan is great with A Very Good Tale and Gandalf is just Gandalf, helping early with card draw or later with threat reduction.

The Attachments: I talked already about Narya, but didn't mention the ressource smoothing, which can be helpful to pay the kickers of the Knights. With Light of Valinor you are not even loosing the questing power. Raiment of War is of course for the Knights, but if you don't draw them Gimli or Veteran of Osgiliath might work to. Steward of Gondor and Ancient Mathom help with the ressources and cards you need to get the combo out.

The events: Mostly sphere staples. Legacy of Númenor is a card I use in more and more decks, because tempo is most times so much more important than threat raise.

This deck can really only become stronger with the Wilds of Rhovanion at the horizon, especially if there are coming more attachments for Dale Characers.