Dale with Erestor

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rockete 21

This is a typical Erestor Deck and a typical Dale Deck.... together. I've played a lot with an Erestor-Outland Deck that was a Beast. Now I tried to reproduce the same idea but with our new dale-mates.

As a Dale Deck King of Dale is the Key Card, but you need resources to play it in the first turn. There are some cards in the beggining that can help you, like Legacy of NĂºmenor Traffic from Daleor Captain's Wisdom. At the end of the game probably you will finish with tons of resources once you get Steward of Gondor on Bard son of Brand. A Good Harvest is a Card very useful in this deck because you can play allys without king of Dale if needed, and in the late game with too much resources in your heroes, you can ready Warden of Healingmultiple times to heal almost every character in the game. The Deck don't hide any great secrets, you will recicle your deads and discards with Will of the West and reduce your threat with Elrond's Counsel. The allys are mainly the new Dale Boys (with the help of the Warden of Healing) The attachments are mainly, the new Dale toys.

The deck don't have any treachery cancellation. It's difficult to use it in a Erestor Deck but I added A test of will in the sideboard just in case.

The Sideboard have some interesting cards for some special adventures. Bard with the steward of gondor collect tons os resources that can be combined with Blood of NĂºmenor and Gondorian Fire (with A good harvest so... difficult combo) but with spares hood in game can defend and attack big enemys in the same turn.

A Burning Brandin Erestor can be useful for adventures with devastating shadows effects.

I tested it in 3 adventures.

Journey along the Anduin (Nightmare) 2 attempts to victory The Black Serpent 2 attempts to victory The dungeons of Cirith Gurath. 1 attempt to Victory

I'm going to test it a little bit more.

This is not the best Erestor Deck but I think it's very funny to play every new ally with their new toys and they work together very well. (The Outlands all together are better but....If you are tired of play them, try this deck) And feel free to improve with your comments.

(I'm not an English Speaker so I apologize for the grammar mistakes and expressions)