
Questlogs using this decklist
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Discard Pile

Jelius 90

Life in Rivendell leaves you with two options:

1) Read books all day

2) Get the Noldor band back together

And we're all out of books!

This deck features the astonishing ability of Arwen Undómiel who can discard cards for cash. Her pops Elrond who can spend money on a quality team of Noldor Guardians, Stargazers, Caregivers, and Sword-elves.

A Burning Brand is not just for Rangers, it's for defending your Rivendell from darkness, especially at night. The Light of Valinor also helps with this. The Cloak of Lórien is almost entirely for thematic consistency, and perhaps for wearing when it's cold.

Nol'don't is the perfect deck for discarding cards! We're going To the Sea, to the Sea! upon a Steed of Imladris with at least one Protector of Lórien. We will surely be Lords of the Eldar when we will happily discard our Veteran Sword-elf and Glorfindel friends at our first opportunity! We cannot forget the valiant efforts of the Guardian of Rivendell, Imladris Caregiver, and the Elven Jeweler! This is surely to support Eregion Survivor!

Our quest is noble as we kneel to the Will of the West to basically Rally the West because they can't do anything without us!

It's important to note that although this quest is important, it is "Bring your elf-kids to work day" so Elladan and Elrohir will also be there.

Also, what is Treebeard doing here? He isn't rooted in Elrond's Counsel!

I am not entirely sure what Unexpected Courage or Vilya do, but they seem cool.

Erestor is really the mastermind here.


Dec 19, 2018 Flikery 1

I have no comments for the deck, but I did just want to say I love your description. You are hilarious.

Dec 19, 2018 Jelius 90

@Flikery I'm glad you liked it. I plan to write more.