12 dwarfes monosphere (each)
doomguard 2190
an alldwarf fellowship beside a little help (healing and locationcontrol)
easy to play fellowship. each deck has his little small tricks and they are well tgogether through the dwarventrait and Dáin Ironfoot they all start under 30 thread so even anduin (nightmare) should not be a problem. only nondwarfes are in lore and spirit to be able to handle much locations or healing.
this fellowship has a good shot at nearly every quest
roles and little edges:
tactic (consider play it as Forth, The Three Hunters! then use sideboard and replace allies with more weapons and armor):
- fight. equip and fight, many of the attaments can also go to allys
- (MotK) Bofur can search weapons and armor from the start
- do not forget Foe-hammer
- if thread goes to high, use Favor of the Valar
- maingoal is to play Lure of Moria as often as possible
- Hardy Leadership helps all dwarves
- play King Under the Mountain soon
- try to get 5 dwarfes as soon as possible, helps to pay
- Soldier of Erebor and A Very Good Tale is very good combo, specially played with a (sneaked) Gandalf in the refresh-phase
- healing with Dúnedain Remedy
if you can bear the disgrace of unthemefull play, add the steward, but i think it is not really neeeded
lore (the attachements are your loot-deck, see contract):
- play many dwarfes
- draw much cards or let the other draw cards
- heal
- be fency with contract and events (like The Hidden Way and Advance Warning)
- handle locations
- mine (at best with Imladris Stargazer
- cancel nasty tracheries and shadow, use Dwarven Tomb to repeat it