The Temple of the Deceived progression
HayashiM 88
This quest pushes against your 1) willpower, 2) threat, 3) lower cost cards. Even though it's on the easier side, I counter these with Loragorn (threat comfort) and Elrond (for his easy playing of higher cost cards) in one of the decks. For the other one, I'd finally got to play the three Noldor siblings. Both decks can do everything - quest, attack, defend.
General gameplan: Set up your Vilya + Imladris Stargazer / Steward of Gondor + Errand rider combos. Build the board - with Elrond and Elrohir as your uber defenders. Find and beat the Guardian. Get the temple key on the hero with Steward, find the temple, beat the Guardian again, win.
Lore deck - notable cards: Aragorn lets you drop your threat once you are in the 40s territory, he mostly attacks / quests with Wingfoot. Elrond gets the Unexpected Courage to Vilya whatever comes your way in and A Burning Brand to safely defend. He can also pay for Imladris Stargazer even before he gets Vilya. Mirlonde just lowers your threat at the beginning and then quests/later attacks.
Elfhelm eases the pressure on your threat should he appear.
Gildor Inglorion lets you set up anything in your hand for Vilya.
Mirkwood Explorer is wonderful for this quest - if you can get one in early, you should be able to clear the final location in the very round you travel there.
Cloak of Lórien goes on Elrond and Elrohir.
Wingfoot goes on Aragorn - you can only guess treacheries and enemies for this quest, so Wingfoot is yet another great card. In general, there are more treacheries than enemies in the encounter deck - keep an eye on the discard pile.
Gildor's Counsel is mainly here so I can finally use it due to the monosphere deck.
Double Back is your most important side quest.
Mulligan for: Vilya (if you see Stargazer on your opening hand, it's also pretty good).
Noldor siblings deck - notable cards:
Arwen Undómiel quests and redistributes resources as necessary. Elladan becomes your attacker, Elrohir is your defender and key-bearer - once he gets the key, chances are Elrond already has sentinel from the Elven Mail and can defend for the whole board with A Burning Brand, while Elrohir exausts and spends resources to find the final location. Elladan and Elrohir both can ready after their actions in exchange for their resources, which is can be handy at times.
Errand-riders let you further redistribute resources once you get Steward.
Gandalf is your main threat dropper as you don't have Aragorn unlike the other deck.
There's an army of ents, which is ok as you should mainly have enough time to set them up.
Dúnedain Warnings and Elven Mails are for Elrond and Elrohir to make their defences safe, while Rivendell Blade and Rivendell Bow boost Elladan (the Bow can also help Aragorn).
Steward of Gondor goes on Elrohir who can then redistribute (don't forget to also boost Sahir from time to time - Na'asiyah doesn't need it all that much).
Unexpected Courage goes on Elrond.
Mulligan for: Steward of Gondor, Elven-light or defence-boosting attachments are also nice to see.