Death to Shelob (Saga Campaign)
WanderingTook 1407
The two decks that I used in my LoTR saga campaign to get through Shelob's Lair.
I tried to keep my hero selection as thematic as possible. Rossiel was a thematic concession because I needed to fill the hero slot... and because I like Rossiel.
For context, the following boons are available to this fellowship:
- Sting, Old Bogey-stories, Brace of Coneys (Engagement for Fun and Profit)
- Mithril Shirt, Brace of Coneys (Traps and Elf-magic)
- I used Frodo Baggins as my Ringbearer.
- I left out Mithril Shirt, since Frodo Baggins is often exhausted due to A Heavy Burden.
- Since Shelob's Lair attacks your hand relentlessly (especially at the beginning of the scenario), general card draw is more important than any specific starting cards (Brace of Coneys is the best card draw effect in the early game). That said, Engagement for Fun and Profit likes to see defensive attachments or a strong ally. Traps and Elf-magic likes to see Nenya and a trap card, though an early Leave No Trace would be tempting.
- Engagement for Fun and Profit is the primary combat deck. Sam Gamgee can be used for questing, because why not? Beechbone can also be used to quest, since Faramir can ready him later.
- Sam Gamgee gets Hobbit Cloak, Staff of Lebethron, Sting, and Steward of Gondor. If necessary, slap a Gondorian Shield on him; though, if he has all of his other attachments, Faramir can take it for emergency defense.
- Mablung gets both Swords of NĂºmenor.
- Traps and Elf-magic is primarily a questing deck.
- Card draw is really important in Shelob's Lair, so try to save Galadriel for her own action. Nenya is a failsafe in case you need it. Her threat reduction is also handy for tempering the threat level of Engagement for Fun and Profit, since Sam Gamgee and Staff of Lebethron both trigger off of threat level.
- If you can get an early Ranger Bow on an Ithilien Tracker or Ithilien Archer, then you'll be set for when Shelob shows up.
- Use Forest Snare to trap enemies engaged with Engagement for Fun and Profit. The more Forest Snare there are in play, the stronger the Guardians of Arnor become.
- In the late game, Derndingle Warriors, Guardians of Arnor, and Sam Gamgee comprise your defense force.
- Try to keep the number of resources on Shelob as low as possible. This fellowship includes a number of cards that facilitate this:
I included some sideboard cards that would make good includes, but I never actually used them in my playthroughs.
It should come as no surprise that this fellowship got me through Shelob's Lair, and without much difficulty.