sacrelicious2 7
mister trench 10
dalestephenson 1879
DoctorSmoke 7

Saga Bulwark 33 threat, cards up to The Voice of Isengard

Saga Hobbits 21 threat, cards up to The Voice of Isengard

Schwaig 19

Boromir's Fire 25 threat, cards up to The Thing in the Depths

ohuerc 469
Zeromage 246
BionicleMan 14
ohuerc 469
thebear987 9

Mono Tactics 28 threat, cards up to The Flame of the West

Elves and Eleanor 25 threat, cards up to The Treason of Saruman

peskpesk 15

Tactics Rohan 28 threat, cards up to The Flame of the West

Mormegil 6191

Heirs of Éorl 31 threat, cards up to The Flame of the West

Bogoran 20
HappyHappy 157
ojey 4

Rohan Questing 30 threat, cards up to Temple of the Deceived

Rohan Fighting 28 threat, cards up to The Flame of the West

The Rangers 29 threat, cards up to Temple of the Deceived

Beowine 31