Elrond and Glorfindel 27 threat, cards up to Shadow and FlameSilvan Support for Elrond 30 threat, cards up to The Long Dark |
Siege of Cair Andros deck 1 29 threat, cards up to Heirs of NúmenorSiege of Cair Andros deck 2 30 threat, cards up to Heirs of Númenor |
Gondorian Aid 28 threat, cards up to The City of CorsairsFaramir's Support Group 26 threat, cards up to The Flame of the West |
Two Player Core Set [1/2] 27 threat, cards up to Core SetTwo Player Core Set [2/2] 26 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Mounts and Songs Rohan Fellowship - Deck 1 30 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith GuratMounts and Songs Rohan Fellowship - Deck 2 29 threat, cards up to The Mountain of Fire |
Thematic "Ring Goes South" - Hobbits 20 threat, cards up to The Land of ShadowThematic "Ring Goes South" - Not Hobbits 35 threat, cards up to The Black Serpent |
Quest and Side Quest - Fellowship 2018 22 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith GuratSpirit Tank and Quest - Fellowship 2018 28 threat, cards up to The Wilds of RhovanionEngage, Destroy, Repeat - Fellowship 2018 26 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosLore Secrecy - Fellowship 2018 16 threat, cards up to The Wilds of Rhovanion |
Leadership - Denethor and Sons* 30 threat, cards up to Flight of the StormcallerThree Hunters - Tactics 32 threat, cards up to The Wilds of RhovanionLadies of Middle Earth - Spirit 27 threat, cards up to The MûmakilTraps & Healing - Lore 27 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas Haven |
Nenya on the Narelenya 31 threat, cards up to The City of CorsairsChasing Dreams 30 threat, cards up to The Mountain of Fire |
9 fellowship: Goodstuff 33 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosBoromir / Legolas / Gimli polyvalent and strong support 31 threat, cards up to The Sands of Harad9 Fellowship: hobbit deck 20 threat, cards up to The Mountain of Fire |
The Free Peoples: The Ring Goes South, Deck One 32 threat, cards up to The Wilds of RhovanionBacktrack Down Caradhras: The Ring Goes South, Deck Two 23 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat |
Return to Mirkwood 30 threat, cards up to Return to MirkwoodReturn to Mirkwood right 26 threat, cards up to Return to Mirkwood |
The Dead Marshes Left 27 threat, cards up to The Hills of Emyn MuilThe Dead Marshes Right 27 threat, cards up to The Dead Marshes |
The Line Unbroken - Thing in the Depths Deck 1 32 threat, cards up to The Thing in the DepthsThe Line Unbroken - Thing in the Depths Deck 2 27 threat, cards up to The Thing in the Depths |
Quest through Dol Guldur 26 threat, cards up to The Steward's FearAttack on Dol Guldur 29 threat, cards up to The Steward's Fear |
A guy, a girl, and grandpa 33 threat, cards up to The Withered HeathA ranger, a hobbit, and a tree 32 threat, cards up to The Withered HeathThe short guys 31 threat, cards up to The Black Riders |
Follow That Hobbit! Flight to the Ford, Deck One 20 threat, cards up to The Drowned RuinsThe Enemy is Upon Us! Flight to the Ford, Deck Two 33 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat |
Valour Deck 33 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosSide quest deck 25 threat, cards up to The Crossings of Poros |
Thematic "Flight To The Ford" - Hobbits 20 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosThematic "Fog", "Knife" and "Flight" - Support 33 threat, cards up to The Black Serpent |
Death to Smaug (Silvan Style) 26 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosDragon Hunting (Elf style) 30 threat, cards up to The City of Corsairs |
Threat eater (or at least trying...) 25 threat, cards up to The Mountain of FireEngage - Ready - Kill. 31 threat, cards up to The Mountain of Fire |
A Mysterious Vagabond: A Knife in the Dark, Deck One 27 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith GuratHastily Creeping Hobbits: A Knife in the Dark, Deck Two 20 threat, cards up to The Crossings of Poros |
2018 Fellowship Event Noldor 23 threat, cards up to The Wilds of Rhovanion2018 Fellowship Event Eagles 29 threat, cards up to The Wilds of Rhovanion2018 Fellowship Event Ranger 27 threat, cards up to The Crossings of Poros2018 Fellowship Event Enabler 31 threat, cards up to The Wilds of Rhovanion |
Thematic "Knife in the Dark" - Hobbits 20 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosThematic "Fog", "Knife" and "Flight" - Support 33 threat, cards up to The Black Serpent |
Merry Murder Machine: Fog on the Barrow-Downs, Deck One 20 threat, cards up to The Mountain of FireFatty Goes Home: Fog on the Barrow-downs, Deck Two 21 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat |
The Hardy Harad 33 threat, cards up to The Wilds of RhovanionThe Power Trio 24 threat, cards up to The Wilds of Rhovanion |
The Hills of Emyn Muil Right 28 threat, cards up to The Hills of Emyn MuilThe Hills of Emyn Muil Left 28 threat, cards up to The Hills of Emyn Muil |
Telcontar Does Not Sound so Ill 16 threat, cards up to The Drowned RuinsDream-chaser Conglomerate 31 threat, cards up to The Drowned Ruins |
The Line Unbroken - Flight of the Stormcaller Deck 1 23 threat, cards up to Flight of the StormcallerThe Line Unbroken - Flight of the Stormcaller Deck 2 30 threat, cards up to The Grey Havens |