Reduced-doomed Doomed Deck

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Derived from
My Doomed Deck 1 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Reduced-doomed Doomed Deck 1 1 0 3.0
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BeestThouNotInHaste 222

BeestThouNotInHaste has a newer deck inspired by this one: Reduced-doomed Doomed Deck

My Doomed Deck - now with less doomed!

Because much like sodium, too much doomed is bad for your health!


This is quite possibly my best solo deck, though it's hard to choose between it and one of my ent decks. The basic concept of the deck is simple: Get a couple of high-stat allies out, and win with only a handful of characters in play. Since the only cycles I have are the Shadows of Mirkwood and Ringmaker cycles, and the latter tends to punish high amounts of allies or attachments, this deck attempts to win using a small number of cards in play.


As with most of my decks, the sideboard consists of cards I may put into the deck in future revisions, as well as the actual sideboard cards. For this deck, there are only 2 sideboards:

  • [Power of Orthanc](/card/07014) for quests with nasty conditions
  • [Waters of Nimrodel](/card/08145) for quests with absurd amounts of direct damage (Wasted Provision from Voice of Isengard...)

The rest are just cards I still need to try out in the deck.


Starting Hand

The best cards to get in your starting hand are a 2 ally, maybe a Daughter of the Nimrodel, and definitely Treebeard. If you don't get Treebeard, the deck can still survive some quests if you get a Westfold Outrider or Henneth Annûn Guard or two, and Captain of Gondor is always nice.

Resource Management

Gríma allows you to empty the bank every turn, yet still have a chance of paying for stuff the next turn. The only times you really need to save up is when the encounter deck is about to puke out some enemies (timed effects often do this), and you need to save up for Henneth Annûn Guard; or when you need to drop some healing. I haven't found whether Éowyn or Gríma is better with Keys of Orthanc, so just put that on whoever needs it at the time.

Card Draw

Since this deck doesn't need a lot of cards to reach its maximum power, I've found card draw is only really useful early game, so it has to be cheap. Deep Knowledge is really good for its cost, and Ancient Mathom can work well in a lot of my quests, as a lot of them tend to start with a location in play. Use the Seeing Stone to search for Power of Orthanc, Waters of Nimrodel, or Saruman when they are needed; though I've found it's usually a good idea to fetch Close Call if I don't have any healing available (or for quests with those annoying objectives that disappear once a hero is damaged...).


Quest with Éowyn, Gríma, and any number of 2 allies. Mirkwood Pioneer and Saruman are very useful for getting around location lock.


Boromir is the go-to defender for this deck. Captain of Gondor allows him to defend for 3, then retaliate back for 4. He is still a little frail, but healing can help with that. Since he can ready himself, he can also block multiple attacks as needed. Henneth Annûn Guard can be used to give Boromir a boost in the case of a boss fight, or just engaging some giant enemy. The guard does require some foresight to use, but is a nice option to have.


Boromir and some 2 ally can take most weak enemies. Throw Captain of Gondor on Boromir and you can take out 6-bulk enemies: a magic number in the Ringmaker cycle. Boromir and Treebeard can kill anything with relative ease.

Note to self: hashtag card name, dollar symbol


Sep 29, 2019 BardLee4 382

Nicely done, I like seeing how decks try to solve the problem of a limited card pool (especially since you didn't go standard progression style). Very bold to forgo some core staples like Feint or A Test of Will. I do think you should sideboard West Road Traveller to help with locations. That said, this is really interesting to look at how you've tailored it to the specific quests you own and chosen cards that deal with the specific problems you face rather just picking better general use cards. Plus, GRIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Putting him with Eowyn is hilarious too)

Sep 29, 2019 BeestThouNotInHaste 222

@BardLee4I might put Feint in, as the deck seems to struggle with high enemies, and the doomed 3 of The Wizards's Voice is a bit high. I used to use both A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke in the deck, but I was sick of playing the "if I draw into these before XYZ treachery is revealed, I win, else, I lose" game, so I use Close Call instead, but I might throw those back in soon. Once I get Conflict at the Carrock and Return to Mirkwood, I'll be trying a Rohan themed version of the deck, at which point I will include West Road Traveller. Thanks for the feedback!