Gondor stands against the shadow!

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Goggen 113

A shadow looms over Gondor, but with visionary leadership the land might have the willpower to prevail. The faithful son puts his will to the cause. A young hobbit sworn in service of the steward is asked to fill the halls with song, for the man wielding the rod of the steward is troubled by darkness.

On the order of the steward of Gondor the wealth of Gondor is spent in the defense of the lands. Money changes hands, buying what protection it can. Beregond stands ready. He can keep the threats at bay. He can chase the shadows. The knights of the white tower do not leave their post.

Envoys are sent across the fields, and reinforcements stream from Ithilien to help guard the nations capital. Led by their finest rangers and stoutest men they will do what they can to stall the enemy, but it might not be enough...

In the vaults of the keep scrolls with ancient runes speak of new things to come, but also of loss. In the bulwark of the west all must be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice, from the loyal hounds to the youth of the nations elite. All are called to stand and fight, and those thought lost to the cause are inspired by the honorable knights to pick up their swords once again.

As the bravest soldiers of Gondor steps forth, others take heart and rally behind them. The command is given: "Man the Walls!", and all over the city a cry rises up: "FOR GONDOR!". Gondor stands against the shadow! ... let the siege of Minas Tirith begin.

The deck-idea here started pretty simple. I just wanted to use Livery of the Tower and Staff of Lebethron. I've always liked those cards, but they rarely make the cut. This time I therefore just started with them, and decided to build the deck to play into their strengths.

That helped form the hero-lineup, which all play into those cards by giving me:

-Two heroes who can both make use of the Livery and the Staff.

-Low starting threat, and abilities on both Beregond and Pippin that help fulfill the requirement for the staff.

-Denethors ability to share the goods from Steward of gondor, to pay for the use of the armor on both characters.

After that tough... the particular hero-lineup naturally turned itself into a theme-deck (as you might have picked up on from the write-up above).

Piloting is pretty basic. Muligan for Steward of Gondor and put it on Denethor, get either Faramir or Visionary Leadership fairly early, and then it's just basic swarm.


Feb 01, 2020 TritonWreck 256

Like the write up. Well done.

Feb 02, 2020 2

I just played this deck 2 player, Up the Anduin, and it did not work. Man the Walls was a lead weight, I would suggest pulling it for anything else. The encounter deck did a number on me, it wasn't a good fit for that quest (swarm vs ally hate, then then attachment hate as well!!). I could see where it was going, but it didn't get there.