Museum of Contemporary Ents

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
You have my bow! And my axe! ... And my smoldering gaze! 2 0 2 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
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kjeld 641

kjeld has a newer deck inspired by this one: You have my bow! And my axe! ... And my smoldering gaze!

"Welcome Glóin, son of Gróin, to the Museum of Contemporary Ents! Please, come in and let me introduce our head curator, Elrond Half-elven, who is simply a master of keeping all things ancient up to date."

"Our director is too kind, Mr. Glóin, though I do say I relish the challenge of my employ. When Mr. Faramir came to me several years ago with the idea to dust off his collection of sleepy old treeherds and fix them up for an exhibit targeted to our modern orcish and undead visitors, I had no idea how quickly the idea would grow!"

"As our esteemed visitor can see, we have brought out of storage a broad selection of Ents, fit for the diverse palette of today's audience. Together with our team of expert conservators and consulting experts, we are bringing this dream into reality.

"Here, allow me to offer you a drink and refreshments while we discuss how we plan to put your very generous donation to the best use...

The Deck

This deck combines the hasty-Ent archetype using Faramir with the classic Gloin engine (or Tower of Pain) to generate the resources without resorting to Steward of Gondor. The aim is a multi-player friendly Ent deck that can still hold its own in combat and questing, plus scattering healing across the board.

Opening hand you're looking for A Good Harvest and a cheap Ent (anything other than Treebeard), plus an Ent Draught for uncle moneybags. A Song of Wisdom with Quickbeam or Wandering Ent also works, though it will delay the draught a turn. A decent alternate start is to drop Galadriel and hope for Self Preservation or at least Narvi's Belt.

After that, you want to drop at least one Ent a turn, though with Gloin's engine hopefully you can get 2. If you can survive the first two turns (hopefully your partner deck is fast out of the gate), you will very shortly have a powerful Ent army to mop up the mid and late game.

This is the first iteration of this deck, and suggestions for improving the core idea are welcome!