Beravor the Grey

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Beravor the White 0 0 1 2.0
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MyopicPlatypus 36

MyopicPlatypus has a newer deck inspired by this one: Beravor the White

This is my take on a Beravor Grey Wanderer deck. Use Beravor with the contract each turn during the prep phase to net 3 cards and 3 resources a turn.

All of the attachments cost 0, 1, or 2 and they all go on Beravor.

While most of the allies cost 3, 4, or 5, you're almost always able to pay 1 for them early game via Sneak Attack, Timely Aid, or Ranger of Cardolan's ability.

Once you get Resourcefulx3, Necklace of Girion, and Steward of Gondor out, you're able to generate 10 resources a turn including the contract and Magic Ring if you don't mind raising your threat.

Protector of Lórien + Reforged is a great way to cheat unique attachments like Ring of Barahir and Steward of Gondor into play by using the contract to play reforged in the prep phase.

Word of Command is great for the turns when you pay to play Gandalf or Saruman because it lets you get one of the many 1x attachments in the deck.

The sideboard is part cards that I want to try and add and also cards that I would swap in/out based on whether you're playing multiplayer or if you want to run more doom. The deck feels fast enough and consistent enough without Daeron's Runes and Deep Knowledge, but your mileage may vary. I don't know what to cut, and I've decked out below 25 threat before.

This deck is really fun and I'd love to hear your thoughts / suggestions.


Mar 26, 2021 ira212 262

Is the deck intended for Solo play? I always have trouble with Guarded attachments in solo, since it increases your encounter rate by 100% (1 -> 2), where in multiplayer it's not so big (e.g. 3->4 or 4->5). When you reforge the Guarded attachments, I'm pretty sure they are still Guarded...

Do you really need 3x Elrond? What is he there for?

I wonder if Master of the Forge and/or Gléowine are worth including for more card draw? Perhaps you have enough.

I also like Henamarth Riversong to chump block if needed, and/or give you encounter card info.

Also, since you're in secrecy for a while, I think Out of the Wild and Risk Some Light are often worth considering. I'd be tempted to cut Word of Command and Saruman in exchange for more permanent card draw (e.g. Master of the Forge or Gleowine).

I'm not sure exactly what restricted attachments you want to end up with, but it seems like A Burning Brand might be worth considering?

Either way, seems like a cool deck!

Mar 26, 2021 MyopicPlatypus 36

Those are all great suggestions! I did intend this deck for solo, so good point about the guarded cards. I wanted to try them for fun and to maximize Beravor's willpower, but it makes sense that they are better in multiplayer.

The Elronds were there for the condition removal, clutch healing, and working well as another target for Sneak Attack, but I think I'll cut them for more permanent allies.

Master of the Forge + Gléowine is a great idea! I in addition to being another source of card draw it also helps with the resource curve a little and gives some clutch chump blocks.

I haven't used those secrecy events before, but I can see how they would be really good in this deck, especially for solo.

The intended restricted attachments were Glamdring, Stone of Elostirion, and The One Ring, but if I cut the guarded cards A Burning Brand fits right in! Another attachments I'm trying out is Roheryn. It can be super good with Gondorian Fire.

I think I might post a V.2 once I test some more.