Don't mind us, we're just passing through (a secrecy deck)

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warlock000 3390


Out of the Wild is super fun and I really wanted to include it in a dedicated secrecy deck, but if you want to have a more consistent performance and better enemy control in this deck (at the cost of some threat reduction), I recommend the following changes:



This will increase your card draw (there are numerous attachments in this deck) and will allow you to keep a few more enemies at bay.

These aren't necessary changes, rather an alternative.


This is my attempt to make a fun little secrecy deck (I don't own the entire card pool, so I haven't used cards from the last few cycles). It might look unassuming, but I have e.g. beat The Battle of Lake-town with it (with a small tweak: I have taken out Out of the Wild as there are too many encounter cards with victory points in this quest and I swapped it for more copies of Arwen Undómiel and Asfaloth).

I've always loved the idea of secrecy, but struggled with making a good working deck focused around it. Well, I think this one works just fine, especially in some of the older quests.


Mulligan for Light of Valinor / Resourceful / Elrond's Counsel / Celduin Traveler / Ithilien Lookout. Try to play as many cards as you can for cheap while you are in secrecy or mulligan for cards that will let you stay in secrecy for longer or gain action advantage. You'll have more options to lower your as the game goes on, but those first few turns can be critical.

The idea for this deck is to avoid enemies until you build a strong table presence (or engage them one by one whenever you feel like it) and get rid of locations in the staging area with Rhovanion Outrider, Northern Tracker and Asfaloth in order to beat quests as fast as possible and avoid location locks.

Celduin Traveler and Ithilien Lookout are fantastic secrecy allies with a very useful scrying ability and really sweet stats (if you manage to play them for 1 resource).

Many of the allies have pretty good combat abilities, so you should be able to dispatch quite a few nasty enemies that engage you.

Bifur is a perfect glue hero here - you'll always have access to the second resource whenever you need it.

Frodo Baggins's ability is your safety valve, it goes against the very idea of secrecy but can be life saving. And if you manage to really reduce your threat to low levels you will be able to use it quite a few times. If you manage to play Arwen Undómiel and Fast Hitch, Frodo Baggins will be able to defend for 3, which makes him quite a decent defender against weaker enemies.

Hopefully you'll manage to hit some of the nastiest cards in the encounter deck with Out of the Wild ;).

Háma is also fantastic in quests with a lot of auto-engaing enemies, he can defend twice for 5 or once for 5 and then he can swing for 2, which can be really useful.

This deck may struggle with siege/battle quests, but it's not focused entirely on so it might work OK.


The sideboard contains some situational cards, feel free to use them whenever necessary: Hasty Stroke and Out of Sight might be very useful in quests with low enemies or particularly nasty shadow effects (hopefully you'll be able to avoid combat and triggering those shadow effects anyway). Protector of Lórien could be useful if you want to boost your defensive abilities and find use for duplicates of unique cards. Quests with a lot of archery will require some healing - Warden of Healing is there for you. If there are numerous nasty conditions in the encounter deck, good old Miner of the Iron Hills is there for you. And finally, Ranger Spikes could be included to force enemies to stay in the staging area, with their value almost nullified.

Hopefully you'll find it fun to play, just as I did ;). It's not the strongest deck by any means, but I think it does what it was designed to do rather well.