2023 Thematic Saga: The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

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TheChad 12877

The Thematic Saga continues with The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

The deck building video is found here: https://youtu.be/78i0lyOELsk The video of the play through can be found here: https://youtu.be/ZvktOHwGHXA

In this series I am trying to use as many thematic cards as possible as I play the Lord of the Rings Saga quests in order, in a modified campaign mode. The modification is that I will not be raising my threat if I swap heroes in-between quests

Sauron has fully uncloaked himself and wages war openly against the Free People of Middle Earth. The brave Soldiers of Gondor must defend the White City. From Defenders of Rammas to Custodians pf the Citadel the war will affect all. Lord Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, and his son, Faramir, known for his Visionary Leadership, lead the free folk against the forces of evil. Reinforcements, led by Prince Imrahil, have arrived but they number too few. Gandalf encourages the Knights , but it will not be enough. Pippin is losing hope as Denethor descends into madness after Faramir is struck by a black dart.

But not all hope is lost, Rohan has come. Led by Theoden, the host of the Rohan arrive. Leading the charge are brave riders like Eomer, and Dúnhere wielding Spears of the Mark they trample the deadly foes. A soldier who carried Merry reveals herself to be Éowyn. In one of the most epic moments of Middle Earth history, Merry with the Dagger of Westernesse found in the Tomb of the Barrow wright, together with Eowyn, defeat the Witch King, thus fulfilling the prophecy that no living man could kill him.

And yet, hope is fading as the evil Hardrim atop of War Mumaks break the lines of horsemen and the tide of the battle once again turns to the favor of the enemy just as the black sails of the Corsair ships arrive. But, hope is rekindled as a Banner of Elendil is unfurled and Aragorn, wielding the Reforged Andúril leaps from the ships. Joined by Legolas, Gimli, and Knights of Belfalas and other free peoples they join the fight.

The battle is won, the city saved, and the greatest challenge still lies ahead.