The Hobbit, the Steward and the Ranger

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Gbm10 18

A fun combat-focused deck for multiplayer / two-handed.

The strategy

Aragorn and Merry combine for repeatable attacks, clearing up the table enemy by enemy. Denethor provides solid defense with shadow cancellation, as well as access to healing and card draw to keep things ticking along.

Opening Hand: Mulligan for a copy of Gondorian Shield - we need to get Denethor up and running ASAP. After that I like to see A Burning Brand, one or two weapons (or Open the Armory) and some card draw.


  • Aragorn gets two weapons, or a weapon and a Rohan Warhorse, depending on what shows up first.
  • Merry gets the Fast Hitches, so he can either quest and be ready for combat, or participate in combat multiple times and keep readying Aragorn. He'll also take the leftover weapons and warhorses.
  • Denethor gets a Gondorian Shield and A Burning Brand to safely defend for 5. Add in a few Honour Guards and he can block hits of up to 8 attack. The Warden of Healing will take care of any damage he does take. The only downside is that he has no readying or sentinel, so he can only defend one attack per turn. The Winged Guardians can take extra hits, and defend across the table.



The events are all card draw to get our heroes up and running. Plus Feint to buy some time against enemies if needed.