The Queen, the Lord and the King's Lieutenant

Questlogs using this decklist
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Scorch 1

This deck is meant as the quest-deck of the fellowship, but it should do so by focussing on supporting the attack-deck.

Galadriel, of course with Mirror of Galadriel and her ring Nenya, to make the most use out of her. She will boost Halbarad and Celeborn's questing prowess, and pay for Spirit attachments.

Halbarad is focused on the combat-side of this deck. He needs to be engaged as much as possible, in order not to become exhausted during the questing phase. Halbarad's combat focus is backed by Star Brooch, The Favor of the Lady, Dúnedain Quest, Unexpected Courage, Celebrían's Stone, Tale of Tinúviel and Son of Arnor, and exploited through Heir of Valandil.

Celeborn is focussing on both questing and fighting, so it is paramount to make sure you get Light of Valinor quickly, or to use the sideboard Naith Guide in our 4 player fellowship as frequently as possible (where the Light is needed for Spirit Glorfindel). In case you run Naith Guide, Orophin becomes more vital, as he is needed to return a discarded Naith Guide to your hand. Allies with the Silvan trait are there to make the most use of Celebron's card effect.

Important allies: To back up Halbarad in his combat, I run Ranger of Cardolan and Guardian of Arnor. To make the most out of questing, the Northern Tracker and Lórien Guide are vital to trim the locations in the staging area as much as possible. Children of the Sea is an important combo with Lorien Guide, as it reduces the need for Celeborn to quest, so he can focus on combat more.

This deck relies a lot on attachments to boost Willpower stats of the heroes and allies as much as possible. It lacks tankers and healers, so you need to engage carefully. Do not let attacks go undefended and use Silver Lamp and Hasty Stroke to fend of shadow cards that force you to discard attachments.

Ideally and fully loaded, the heroes alone would be able to generate 12-18 Willpower in a turn, without exhausting Celeborn and Halbarad, who would continue to be able to fend of attackers, backed by some allies. Together with the allies Lórien Guide and Northern Tracker, they would be able to trim through locations with ease.

Song of Travel is there to accelerate the income. Galadriel alone doesn't bring in enough resources to get out the allies fast enough otherwise. The need for attachments early-on hampers the economy.

A big potential threat is not acquiring Nenya and Light of Valinor early on, as this will hamper the deck tremendously. Mirror of Galadriel helps to negate this threat in the first round, and also allows you to stack the first 10 cards (hopefully powerful attachments) in your favour. With these 8 cards available, you should be able to at least get one of the 3 early on. The other threat is not finding the Song of Travel, which will hamper the economy and makes it difficult to buy expensive and worthwhile allies.


Dec 29, 2017 DazeMan 717

Just curious, why use Halbarad instead of Aragorn?

Dec 30, 2017 Scorch 1

Aragorn will cost resources to ready after commiting to the quest. Halbarad on the other hand stays ready when engaged. Combined with the Light of Valinor on Celeborn, that leaves two fighters ready for the combat phase, while still having contributed a minimum of 5 during the Quest phase. With the Song of Travel on one of the heroes, I'll be able to crank up the economy more. Spending those resources to ready Aragorn before I get to spend them one important allies like Northern Tracker and Lórien Guide, would be a waste.

Since the deck is supposed to be supported by a strong / deck, these heroes can scan for the right enemy to engage, and leave the rest for the combat focused deck.

Also, Halbarad costs 2 less threat. ;)

Dec 30, 2017 Scorch 1

You can find the / deck here: