Super Aragron

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Super Aragron 3 1 3 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TheGuardian118 9

TheGuardian118 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Super Aragron

This deck is designed to be a solid solo deck that can handle a variety of threats.

Denethor is used for defense and scrying when defending is not needed. Halbarad and Aragorn are both for questing and attacking. The allies supplement questing mostly as you'll be pumping up the attack of your heroes to handle larger enemies, but some of the allies can help attack also.

Unexpected Courage goes on Denethor first, then typically Aragorn second if you get both copies. Halbarad has built in readying for quests and something else all game once you get a Forest Snare out on an enemy. Steward of Gondor typically goes on Aragorn, but sometimes it wound up on Halbarad if I couldn't find a way to give Aragorn the Leadership sphere quickly enough. The Necklace of Girion goes on the one who didn't get Steward of Gondor, but it shouldn't be played before you have the staging area in a comfortable place, and preferably after you have scryed what will be attached so you know you can take it out quickly. Sneak Attack with Gandalf can really help nab this quickly for just two resources.

Use Gather Information to find either Unexpected Courage, the resource generators, or a sphere giving card. It can also be used to finish off a combo.

Most of the events focus on card draw; once you get the resource generation out you'll be able to afford them quite easily.

I do not have a full collection so this may not be the most optimized deck. This deck was used to play through some core quest, Lost Realm, and the couple Dwarrodelf quests I have. It's weakness tends to be location heavy quests, but you can throw in a Northern Tracker or two and mulligan hard for those and the relevant songs/stone.

This is currently a 56 card deck. I would consider dropping Song of Wisdom, Double Back, GlĂ©owine, and maybe one or two DĂșnedain Mark if you really wanted to get to 50 cards. Alternatively you could just drop all the , but Unexpected Courage is just too powerful to give up, at least with my current cardpool.