Descendents of ThorGondor

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

CDavis7M 151

Here's a deck hoping for more Eagle cards in the Ered Mithrin cycle.

Hirgon enables Eagles to be played at a discount after questing. Meaning that enemies will still be in the staging area for Descendant of Thorondor and the same with locations for Meneldor. (But let's pass on his second ability and save the for Boromir).

Boromir, Eagles of the Misty Mountains, and multiple Support of the Eagles are a no brainier. But combined with Trained for War and Grappling Hook, you also have huge questing potential (remember to ready errata'd Boromir during the Quest phase).

Mablung just helps pay for air travel expenses, along with Proud Hunters.

Legolas, Foe-hammer, and The Eagles Are Coming! draw cards.

Meneldor, Blade of Gondolin, Trained for War, and Grappling Hook work to clear locations and keep the quest moving.

Wait no Longer is included for solo play.

Radagast is mostly a pity-pick.


Oct 26, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2415

How often do you find Trained for War being useful in a multiplayer game?

Oct 26, 2018 CDavis7M 151

@Wandalf the Gizzard I only have it here for solo play. And even then, it's Mablung that makes it work well.

Currently play testing this solo.

Oct 26, 2018 CDavis7M 151

Oops, I was thinking of Wait no Longer.

But Trained for War is also for solo play. It really helps to blast through a quest after you've cleaned up.

I don't think either of these cards would be included in a multiplayer deck.