Fellowship of the Ring: Into the Woods: Hobbit Edition

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

proudfeat 39

This deck is a 100% Hobbit variant of my other deck, Fellowship of the Ring: Into the Woods featuring Aragorn instead of Frodo.

Goals: Lay low until the Ents can be mustered and in the mean time play around with the encounter deck to eliminate the worst cards. Mulligan for Treebeard, Resourceful, or Song of Wisdom: anything to get resources for ents. Designed for a 3-person multiplayer "Fellowship of the Ring" theme; the other two decks in this situation would likely have Gandalf/Aragorn/Sam and Boromir/Legolas/Gimli. Those are still under construction as of this version.

I'm particularly interested in any feedback; I have never made a secrecy deck, ent deck, or encounter manipulation deck before, so I'd love to see where I could improve after putting these concepts all together. I'm just waiting on my friends to build their decks ;)

The Heroes

  • Frodo Baggins is just along for the ride to help with questing. He can get Song of Wisdom to help pay for allies but until then he can pay for the same cards Merry does.

  • Merry: Threat reduction and later, questing. His resources will pay for A Test of Will and Treebeard as well as for other Ents by discarding them with Daeron's Runes followed by Stand and Fight.

  • Pippin: He has a great passive ability to avoid enemies but we can also use him to draw cards. Engaging enemies may be an issue early on but once an Ent or two is in play it will get better and be a good way to cycle the deck. He gets Resourceful to help pay for Ents.

The Allies

The Ents do their thing. Not much to say here, they can do it all depending on how everyone else is faring. The more they need to engage, the more cards are drawn. Ithilien Lookout is included just because he's a cheap ally in secrecy and fits with the encounter manipulation/scrying theme.

Encounter Manipulation Sequence

Out of the Wild must be used prior to The Door is Closed! to eliminate nasty treacheries, but None Return can also be used for annoying enemies. Risk Some Light is another way to get an idea for what's coming and after a couple turns of Merry's threat reduction it's fo freeee. The best part about these cards is that the player cards themselves are added to the victory display as well as the enemy card which can make Keen as Lances real cheap, real fast.

I didn't include Leave No Trace because Locations are typically pretty easy to deal with and I wanted to keep the deck size as low as possible.

As a whole the event cards should all be very attainable in secrecy even if card draw is profoundly unlucky, meaning no Resourceful or Song of Wisdom is drawn, because the events cost 0-1 resources.