Exploitation of Miners 3.0

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Exploitation of Miners 2.0 1 0 0 4.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1062

This one has been updated a few times, and 3.0 incorporates new player cards from the Ered Mithrin cycle, which has been particlularly kind to dwarves and their attachments. Erebor Toymaker keeps high end attachments cheap and Reforged is the perfect fit in a deck with a growing discard pile - and allows for single copies of non-neutral attachments to be included without fear of losing them to the miners' picks.

See the original version of this deck being played on COTR's Twich stream here and read their spotlight article here.

This is my take on a Dwarf mining deck, but with help from Gandalf to provide some much-needed light to dig by.

Gandalf's ability allows you to view and play the top card of your deck once per phase. Combine that with low-cost cards, deck-grinding, and when discarded effects from dwarf miners, and you end up with a deck that is going to give you a lot of options each turn. The goal is to use mining to set up the top card for Gandalf, and to use Gandalf to set up the top card for mining. This one is a lot of fun to play, and is not recommended for beginners.

The cards you're looking for in your opening hand are Wizard Pipe, Expert Treasure-hunter, and possibly Zigil Miner. The pipe will help you get Expert Treasure-hunter into play, which will prime the card draw engine. Zigil Miner will guarantee at least 1 resource per activation and clear off unwanted top cards.


-This deck leans heavily on Spirit resources, so pile all you can onto Nori until you can get Song of Travel into play.

-Try to hang onto one Will of the West. You will probably go through your deck more than once.

-Well-Equipped is a welcome sight when you have Armored Destrier, King Under the Mountain, Steward of Gondor, etc. sitting on top of your deck.

-Reforged. My goodness, what can't you do with this card (other than recover neutral attachments)? It plays Expert Treasure-hunter for free out of the discard pile. If you accidentally flip a Steward of Gondor or a "one-of" attachment off of your deck, reforge it! Don't forget that this works on any discard pile.

-Since you can see the top of your deck, Expert Treasure-hunter will work every time you successfully quest. Use it to discard Hidden Cache, which will drop resources prior to you drawing it. Wizard Pipe it back onto the deck for the next quest phase if you need more resources.

-Use Expert Treasure-hunter on Ered Luin Miner, but don't call Ally. He'll pop into play for free rather than going into your hand.

-Flame of Anor pops an Ered Luin Miner into play while readying Gandalf with +3 attack.

-You can sneak Bofur into the quest from the top of your deck, and then he sneaks into your hand after questing successfully. (Effectively a free draw and +3 to the quest total for the cost of 1 resource)