Imrahil's Song

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Roka 1596

Do you know this feeling when you're playing Prince Imrahil and you just draw all those expensive allies you wanted to cheat in with him? Now they are just sitting dead in your hand an you wish you could shuffle them back in your deck...

But there is an option to get them back in, and that is Drinking Song.

Around this idea is this whole deck build. With Bilbo Baggins, who also gives you an extra draw out of Drinking Song, you can filter very fast through your deck. The cards that you can't or don't want to use with Imrahill (everything that doesn't share a trait with him, as well as Warden of Healing, Envoy of Pelargir, Mablung and maybe some Defender of Rammas) you play down. Once there are mainly Imrahill targets in your hand you shuffle them back with Drinking Song and repeat the process.

Tht way you don't just get better Cards in hand but also improve Imrahill's abilty. Towards the end of the game your deck should be stacked with Beorns, Hámas and Soldiers of Erebor who can defend multiple times or help to kill a Boss enemy. Greenwood Defender is an option for quests that have a lot of low attack enemies.

One more tip for playing is to bin a copy of Beorn with Daeron's Runes. That way you have always a target for your Beorning Skin-changer even if your shuffled your hand away.


Sep 02, 2019 Alonewolf87 2212

Nice idea. Another way to go would be with Wizard Pipe attached to Radagast (to have also Drinking Song in-sphere) or Gandalf.

Sep 03, 2019 Roka 1596

@Alonewolf87 Yeah, I tried Imrahill with Gandalf already earlier but i didn't like the high starting threat. Radagast seems like a decent option, but I like to get value out of Bilbo (and I played so much Radagast since he came out).