Secret Paths

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Secret Paths 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Guily 36

Guily has a newer deck inspired by this one: Secret Paths


A Beorn solo-deck, with fun shenaningans and synergies.

Starting hand

With A Good Harvest, you can play any combination of allies for 4 ressources or less. With Stand and Fight, you'll have up to two allies of any sphere costing two each on the table turn one.

These would be very good starts.

Treebeard alone makes you keep your hand too.

Anotehr nice start is any hand including Elven-light and one ally or more.

Early game

Slow-paced Ents will allow Beorn to shine here. Don't be afraid to let our favorite bear get hits, that's his purpose. Plus he is not bad at fighting back ;)

Your goal at the very begining of the game is to put one or two ents on the table. Wellinghall Preserver and Treebeard are top priorities.

Use Arwen ability and discard an ally if it allows you to get ressources to Stand and Fight it. Use A Good Harvest to get any ally in play in the very first turns. These both cards will continue to serve you well as the game goes on.

Mid game

Careful ressource management and a wise use of Elven-light lead you to gather a small but consistent party. You can now begin to switch some defense from Beorn to Ents. Close Call and Feint will help you to manage that phase. You've a good variety of tools in your hand. Preserve your allies but dont be too shy.

End game

Your angry troup stomps noisily over lands and enemies flee away from your mighty power.

Super secret trick of doom

Secret Paths is the best card ever. Well maybe not, but it's well designed and well illustrated. This very good tool is more multipurposed than it looks first. You might think that it just serve to charge the quest, but you can use it more finely. For example: free good all-around allies of the need to quest, adding their power in combat phase. Ah !

With Henamarth Riversong, Secret Paths is even more fun.

Pros / Cons


+A reliable deck with a good consistency

+Good card synergies and uses. Every card is usefull all along the way, you will rarely find yourself with dead cards in hand.

+Fun to play

+Ment for solo, good for multi (all three heroes have interesting multiplayer components)

-In multi : Arwen and Treebeard are commonly used, in ally or hero forms. You'll have to roar louder than your teammates

-Threat management can be difficult in hard-threat quests. You might want to add threat mitigation cards for these.


Action advantage : Beorn (built-in capacity), Treebeard (built-in capacity)

Draw : Elven-light, Daeron's Runes

Ressources : Arwen Undómiel (built-in capacity), Treebeard (built-in capacity)

Ressources smoothing : Bifur, A Good Harvest, Stand and Fight

Encounter/quest control : Secret Paths, Henamarth Riversong, A Test of Will, Hasty Stroke

Location control : Ghân-buri-Ghân

Discard pile manipulation : Stand and Fight, Dwarven Tomb

Healing/Damage mitigation : Wellinghall Preserver, Honour Guard, Close Call

Threat control : Elrond's Counsel

Yeah but where is Quickbeam ?

Please note that Quickbeam is busy elswhere, that's why he isn't in my list. You should add him of course ;)