Now It's Time For Gleowine

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

emorlecallor 1258

This deck was initially created as a solution to my personal question of how to make Merry shine as a hero. It seemed prudent that it would be a secrecy deck, since that would reward me for keeping threat low, but I didn't want to go the traditional route of throwing in some Out of the Wilds and Timely Aids and calling it a day. So I decided to go with Leaf Brooch plus Swift and Silent to give me a free ready each round on a hero. My initial idea was Beravor, but she seemed too limited in what I could do with her. So I went with a new idea: Gléowine with Sword-thain.

Unlike Beravor, Gleowine has no limitations on how many cards you can draw with him each round (probably because there aren't too many effects which ready allies), but if you make him a hero, he can get 3 copies of Unexpected Courage plus his initial exhaust plus the Leaf Brooch/Swift and Silent combo which essentially means that you're drawing six cards a turn with your normal draw during the resource phase. Fairly powerful. And once you deck out, it's okay, because then you can send all that card draw to other players, which will make you LOTS of friends.

Of course, if we're drawing 6 cards a turn, we need to be able to pay for them. Sword-thain helps, but one resource does not offset six cards, so both Steward of Gondor and Resourceful are included to solve resource needs. Errand-rider and the Envoy of Pelargir, along with Song of Kings, can smooth resources between the three heroes.

The combo is quite powerful, but you need to be able to get ahold of the key cards, so Mustering the Rohirrim is included to fetch Gleowine and Master of the Forge can dig for Sword-thain. You should mulligan for either the combo cards or the "fetch" cards. Speaking of combos, Miruvor is good with Gleowine, since you can use its text to ready him and then recur it with Erebor Hammersmith (same goes for Cram).

As a final note, please, please, PLEASE pair this with a combat deck. The deck can quest and get tons of cards and resources but it cannot fight to save its life. Literally. This also needs to be multiplayer because the deck relies on Merry entirely for threat reduction, and more enemies get revealed multiplayer than in solo.

Enjoy the deck!