Fellowship of leaders

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

wehehe 1125

It still needs some tweaking, but this is a Fellowship I've been using last weeks, and it worked quite well.

It is designed to be mainly a quester deck. That's why I've chosen Power of Command as the Master card for The One Ring. The goal of the deck is flip the contract, and with Sword that was Broken + Power of Command + Faramir quest with up to +4 on all your characters.

The deck has some cheap allies (at cost 0-2), which help you to have a fast flip. A Very Good Tale for me is a must in all Fellowship decks, and Sneak Attack can help you to flip it again if an undesired shadow effect, or treachery, forces you to sacrifice one of your characters. Also useful to put a Gandalf in play, and use it with A Very Good Tale

Aragorn is the main defender on the first rounds of the game, but once you have Rosie Cotton, Sam Gamgee becomes a beast, as all willpower boosts to Rosie are transferred to Sam's . Staff of Lebethron and Armored Destrier for Shadow control.

It works really well as a quester dec, and if it can get a few rounds to set-up, it becomes strong in all aspects of the game. Threat is no problem at all thanks to Frodo Baggins and Aragorn, even Gandalf if you need more threat control.

I'm thinking in using some Pillars of the Kings, as they are great with Aragorn, but I'm not sure, as they are anti synergistic with Sam Gamgee and Staff of Lebethron. Anyway, I'm enjoying it a lot as it is right now!