The Steward's Fear - Solo Progression

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

swdevlin 52

There are not a lot of enemies in this scenario, so the combination of Elladan and Elrohir can handle all of the combat. Equip Elladan with Steward of Gondor, you want him defending against all the attacks. Once he has a Gondorian Shields or two on him, and some help from Arwen Undómiel, he is pretty much untouchable. With a Rivendell Blade or two on Elrohir he can dispatch most enemies with one blow, and pretty much every enemy with 2.

Using the brothers has a weakness: Local Trouble. Threat sky-rockets if this lands on Elrohir or Elladan. Keep a A Test of Will on hand to counter this; you might even consider taking a mulligan to get one. Miner of the Iron Hills is also included to be able to remove the conditional attachment if you can't prevent it from landing. And A Good Harvest is included so Miner can be played.

Elladan is going to generate a bunch of resources but not have much to spend them on. All of the cards in the deck have a cost of 1. His resources are a good use for Gandalf or used with A Good Harvest in order to get Miner of the Iron Hills out.

Will of the West is included in case Up in Flames is the plot. If it is not, Will of the West is perfect fodder for Éowyn.

The Riddermark's Finest is included in the deck in case the staging area starts to clog up with locations. Many can be cleared with a single exhaust and discard.

Possible Improvements

The deck has a 20% win rate, so it could definitely be improved.

Feint is not likely needed. The deck is light on allies so swapping Feint for another questing ally might be a good idea. Faramir is included to help with questing; having more characters on the quest would help with Faramir's contribution.