See the fellowship description for the general idea, in case you're wondering where the heck the Eagles of the Misty Mountains are, or why a 3x Sneak Attack deck lacks even a single Gandalf.
This deck tries to get eagles out to feed an EoMM on the other side of the board, which can in turn potentiate Boromir via Support of the Eagles. Even without the pressure of actually putting out the EoMM, eagles are hella expensive, but Steward of Gondor and Mablung are more than equal to the task.
Denethor's resources are almost useless, so they usually get handed off via his ability, or via Errand-rider if cross-table help is needed. Faramir can be a high-impact play, as always. And Sneak Attack has three viable targets here: the ever-absurd Beorn, Descendant of Thorondor for some staging area damage, and Landroval for emergency hero resurrection.
Spice here comes in the form of Common Cause, a usually underpowered card that gains quite a bit from the presence of Boromir AND the strong heroes across the table, and the 1x Grappling Hook, which can enable a frankly absurd one-time quest push once Boromir's is up to snuff.