The Fate of Wilderland Solo Progression

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Copterman 1045

DECK NAME - Creature Comforts

OVERVIEW - The quest is won by destroying 5 enemies as quickly as possible so you can engage and destroy Urdug (preferably before quest card 3). I've won the quest as quickly as in round 5. Losses usually come from possible location lock if you draw a bunch of locations for a few rounds with no enemies showing up, or from unlucky encounter card combinations. Also possible to threat out if Surge of Bats gets you. This is not a win-every-time deck, but it wins way more than loses. And it's fun!


  • Beorn - he allows you to engage enemies from round one and can one-shot 3 of the 6 possible enemies that can engage you; keep him alive with 3X Loyal Hound and 3X Beorn's Rage
  • Eowyn - questing her along w Radagast usually results in a successful quest if you can keep the staging area clear; can use her ability to one-shot Urdug at the end, but don't hesitate to eliminate an early Goblin Troop or Pack of Wargs; based on engaged enemies, consider not questing with her so she is ready during combat; then activate her ability after she exhausts to attack; she can then exhaust to attack a second enemy; I have used this trick to kill 2 Goblin Troops early (super unlikely/unlucky)
  • Radagast - attach Radagast's Staff asap; use his staff to get allies out early and often; try and play a creature ally every round so he quests without exhausting; can defend or attack based on need during combat; also can fish for his staff using Word of Command at the end of the first or second round if you're unlucky


  • SETUP - mulligan for Radagast's Staff; also good to have Deep Knowledge and/or Daeron's Runes to insure more options; a low cost creature card that you can play round 1 is good too
  • QUEST CARD 1 - Vassal of the Windlord is a great round 1 play; he would insure Radagast quests ready; block enemy attack with Beorn and then attack back for 10; engage all enemies each combat round and kill them; use Eowyn to kill Goblin Troop or Pack of Wargs if needed; try to avoid advancing to quest card 2 after just 1 round; if a Pack of Wargs is revealed during setup, don't commit Eowyn to the quest so you can kill the enemy after it attacks Beorn; this kind of thinking is required against this scenario; it's highly strategic
  • QUEST CARD 2 - save Feint for this stage because progress is placed on The Goblins' Assault from enemy attacks; also use Descendant of Thorondor / Flight of the Eagles to kill Fierce Vanguard and Warg Riders that may be in the staging area; a dead enemy can't attack; it's possible (and preferable) to win the scenario in this quest stage
  • QUEST CARD 3 - just keep in mind you can't hit Urdug unless he has attacked this phase, so getting your 5th kill means you can attack him the next combat round
  • SWARM OF BATS - be careful when your threat is getting up there that you don't have a lot of resources or else this effect will kill you; you don't want surplus resources; use them


  • Descendant of Thorondor and Flight of the Eagles - great for killing some enemies while in the staging area
  • DĂșnedain Hunter and Wait no Longer - included to insure you can engage some enemies; multiple locations are unlikely and are very bad
  • Creatures - try and get one out every round to allow Radagast to quest without exhausting; the MVP of this deck is Giant Bear; use Radagast's Staff to reduce costs but also keep his readying effect in mind
  • Meneldor - ability can be game saving; might want to use Flight of the Eagles to wipe out a location
  • Messenger Raven - activates Radagast's questing ability and extra WP is nice; his card draw ability provides additional card draw and keeps your resources low for Surge of Bats