Multi-sphere Dwarves

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

andurian20 15

This deck tries to be consistent along different quests even playing solo. The main strategy, as other Dwarf decks, is to play a swarm of allies which will have their and buffed by Dáin Ironfoot.

A particular aspect is to aim earlier activation of the effects of Óin and Ori cards, because it will give one more cards each turn and access to cards: Veteran Axehand and Khazâd! Khazâd!, which can be essential to win well-defended enemies.

The 5 dwarfs condition should be achieved in the planning phase at the second round. Actually, it is possible to bring three allies at the very first round, if needed (Dwarven Sellsword, Erebor Record Keeper, and Dwalin), but in general it is interesting to postpone playing allies to the second round. In a worst case, it can be achieved at the third round, playing Fili or Kili.

Dáin Ironfoot is the main defender of the group. Using Cram or Miruvor, Dáin Ironfoot can be readied to defend more times in a round and Lore of Imladris can be used to remove damage from previous attacks. These can be used also to ready the other heroes that can quest and attack in the same round. Alternatively, Dwalin can be used for defense, when there is a number of allies for questing. Chump-blocking with a low cost ally is also a solution when there is no other defenders.

The readying attachments (Cram and Miruvor) can be returned from the discard pile by Erebor Hammersmith. Also, Miruvor can be seen as a way to transfer one resource from Óin to one of the other heroes, mainly Ori, to pay for cards.

Card draw is pretty consistent in this deck, with Ori and Legacy of Durin being the main pieces for card draw in this deck. Valiant Sacrifice can be used to draw cards when allies leaves play, which can occur with Dwarven Sellsword, Gandalf or Bofur.

Gandalf must be used for threat control and direct damage, avoid using it for card draw. Combine it with Sneak Attack when possible.