Secretly Overpowered

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
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BigChiefJoe523 177

I haven't done extensive play-testing with this deck yet, but so far it's been pretty solid. Ideally in your opening hand, you're looking for Steward of Gondor or Timely Aid. Thanks to Denethor, you can even get multiple Timely Aids out on turn one if you have them.

Steward of Gondor goes on either Denethor or Glorfindel, depending on what your hand looks like at the time. Whichever one you don't give steward, usually you will use Errand-rider to pass the resource from Éowyn, as the main use for her resources is to get Gondorian Shield on Denethor.

Eventually you want Denethor to have Gondorian Shield and Armored Destrier, as well as having Arwen Undómiel out. Then Denethor is defending for 6 twice and cancelling a shadow. By that point, you should have enough attack out to eliminate the enemies engaging you every turn.

The main issue I found with the first couple playthroughs was card draw, so I added in a couple Rod of the Stewards for later game, and you also have Erestor and Legolas.

Oh and of course, whenever you're ready to push through, drop Gandalf on the table.


Aug 16, 2016 emorlecallor 1258

I like the deck! Have you considered adding in a few Resourcefuls? Steward is one of the most contested cards in multiplayer, so having alternate resource acceleration would be nice in case you are Steward-blocked. But I suppose that people are okay with you running Steward as long as you have Errand-rider. Or you could just play solo.

Aug 17, 2016 BigChiefJoe523 177

Thanks! I did debate including Resourcefuls. The sideboard basically consists of all the cards I debated including in the deck, but since I initially designed this deck for playing solo, steward basically covered all my resource needs.

Also, in addition to the stewards, I picked in my opinion three of the most contested heroes nowadays, especially with both of Eowyn's cards being so good. And with the group I play with, most of them only have core sets, so I'd never get to play with this deck anyway unless I subbed out Eowyn and Denethor.

But if I played multiplayer with this deck, I definitely like the idea of switching Steward of Gondor for Resourceful. Thanks for the suggestion!