A Staff in the Shadows

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
A Staff in the Shadows 1 0 2 3.0
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Veizyr 65

The entire point of the deck is to constantly lower your threat using Galadriel with her action which also gives you decent card draw for the early game and Beregond by engaging a low attack enemy and letting them hit you every round for a free threat reduction. There are also plenty of other cards in there to lower your threat even further like Elrond's Counsel, The Galadhrim's Greeting, or Double Back letting you essentially hide in the shadows as you set yourself up for the late game.

Why are we lowering our threat? For this underrated Gandalf ally. Blocking one attack on Beregond and using Galadriel's action every turn, you can keep Gandalf in play every turn and boost him with Glamdring, Gandalf's Staff, and Shadowfax, to have a ranged, sentinel, 6 attack, 4 defense monster that can ready itself.

I find that I can generally drop into secrecy by the third turn which let's me play Resourceful which I will put on Galadriel which in combination with Necklace of Girion gives her 3 resources each turn which is more than enough considering the majority of cards in this deck are pretty low cost.

The rest of the allies in there are used to support your own characters or a friend's with healing and questing.

Fun things to boost are the ability to use Galadriel's action and questing all in one turn using Unexpected Courage, or canceling the random discards from using her Mirror of Galadriel combined with Silver Harp letting you essentially fetch whatever you need each turn.

The deck takes time to build up but I've found that no cards are a must in your first hand. Getting Mirror of Galadriel and a Silver Harp early lets you build a lot quicker but I've found that it's not required. Nenya and an Unexpected Courage also help a lot but because we have a lot of low cost/high willpower allies, you don't necessarily have to use Nenya to quest and can simply continue to use Galadriel's action.


Mar 10, 2022 doomguard 2006

put in 2 Wild Stallion, gandalf and glorfindel likes that ;)