Of Lorien and Mirkwood

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Turgon 557

Mulligan for Nenya and Radagast's Staff (and Word of Command can help you fetch anything you want). There's not many cards in this deck, but Nenya gives Galadriel acces to , and in the meantime she pays for all the neutral cards.

There's some neat tricks to be found in combining Galadriel and Eagles:

You can use Breath of Arda before questing to essentially quest without exhausting. If you really want to boost Eagles of the Misty Mountains, you can use it to give them lots of attachments! Not strategically recommended, but very fun.

Your threat starts very high, but Gandalf, Hidden Roosts, Elrond's Counsel, and Double Back all reduce it. You can get cards from Daeron's Runes, Gandalf and Word of Command. Radagast's Staff and Seasoned Forager are your resource acceleration; in all, the core of the deck seems sturdy to me.

I rarely pay the money for Eagle Emissary or Winged Guardian; they combo very well with Eagles of the Misty Mountains. It's really neat when you defend with Winged Guardian, give him to Eagles of the Misty Mountains, and ready Gwaihir because of it!

I usually use Gandalf for card draw and Elrond for Condition removal.

Eagles are powerful, Radagast is fun, and Galadriel's the glue that holds them together. What's not to like?

Happy questing!


Aug 17, 2022 NERD 808

Unfortunately, Breath of Arda is an encounter action. Thus, they return to your hand after the quest phase. However, this will ready each eagle so it has the same effect. However, Galadriel does nothing then.

Aug 17, 2022 Turgon 557

Ahh, yes...I think I meant to write "after questing". Thanks for pointing that out!

Aug 17, 2022 doomguard 2006

nice choice of heroes, and a good example, to use Alep-cards for a good but not op-deck.

did you make good experience with the new Veteran Eagle ?

Aug 18, 2022 Turgon 557

The stat bonuses are nice, but I never really relied on those...kind of just the icing on top.