2023 Thematic Saga: Tower of Cirith Ungul

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Thematic Saga Series: The Passage of the Marshes 4 0 4 1.0
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TheChad 12839

The Thematic Saga continues with The Tower of Cirith Ungol

The video can be found here: https://youtu.be/D1wQwGIRyQo

In this series I am trying to use as many thematic cards as possible as I play the Lord of the Rings Saga quests in order, in a modified campaign mode. The modification is that I will not be raising my threat if I swap heroes in-between quests.

Sam Gamgee is wandering alone in the Land of Mordor.

Sam will indeed need to be even more brave! Wielding Sting, his own Dagger of Westernesse, and most importantly, The One Ring, He sets off to rescue his Master. While wearing The Ring he has a vision of himself as a Master of Gardens, but then he returns to his true self, one of The Shirefolk, who has a crush on Rosie Cotton. (in the video I say he is Halfast Gamgee's son, I meant Hamfast.)

Once he makes it past The Two Watchers he finds Infighting within the tower. The enemy has done his work for him as he climbs the winding stair and reaches the top, but Frodo is nowhere to be found. Singing a Song of Hope and feeling sorry for himself he is surprised to hear Frodo's voice come from above,

Using a ladder he rescues Frodo and the dynamic duo, dressed in Orc Disguises, set off for the final leg of the quest to destroy The RIng.

Yes, this is another The Grey Wanderer Sam deck as we thematically only have one Hero doing all the work. This is a very difficult quest, especially with just Sam. Three copies of Master of the Forge are needed to help draw ALL the attachments you need. No other card is more important in your opening hand. Use The Grey Wanderer to find Dagger of Westernesse to help get past The Two Watchers as fast a possible.

Power up the Tower of Sam with Fireside Song and other songs and Strider to get his in double digits. He needs the Ancestral Armor and Spare Pipe to increase his hit-points to handle a nasty orc that does direct damage.

Pay attention to the enemies and Orcish Howls in the discard pile. You should try to put the right card back on top of the encounter deck using Shadow of the Past to help you out.

Good luck and Happy Questing.