Just Can't Wait

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Card draw simulator
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Discard Pile

Beorn 13451

Here is my first attempt at a Wait no Longer deck. From discussion on discord, the impression seemed mixed on whether or not this card is good. Granted, a two cost card with the potential to miss is a risky card. However, when you look at how this deck is designed to handle enemies, the concept of a Tactics-based encounter deck control strategy seems promising.

First of all, Mablung helps to offset the high cost. We also have cards like Dúnedain Hunter (and Westfold Outrider in the sideboard) to gain additional benefit from his once-per-phase ability. Between Steward of Gondor, Denethor's ability to move resources, and Mablung's response, we should have resources covered. Any excess can be converted into card draw using Rod of the Steward.

The biggest problem with any strategy predicated on an event is how to trigger it consistently. Háma has long been the solution to that problem for Tactics events. While I long ago grew tired of Feint-lock decks, the randomness of Wait no Longer makes this strategy much more appealing to my ursine sensibilities. Outside of the marquee event, the usual Háma-related tricks are present. Feint is included, but only for surviving the early game while we get our defenses setup. The idea of this deck is not to rely on that trick alone, but to limit the number of cards revealed from the encounter deck. Foe-hammer helps with card draw once we get a weapon on Háma. The Eagles Are Coming! is strictly here to thin the deck, though Eagles of the Misty Mountains do help provide some meager questing help.

Speaking of which, the main version of this deck is designed for multiplayer, where presumably some other deck handles the bulk of questing. If you want to run this solo, I would recommend substituting Faramir and Grimbold and potentially even something like Knight of the White Tower or Visionary Leadership. While that version of the deck is fine, I was more interested in making a streamlined example of how to get the combo setup. Presumably, revealing one fewer card (most) turns will more than make up for our lowly questing support.

To that end, Armored Destrier and Gondorian Shield turn Denethor into our dedicated defender for the enemies that will inevitably come. Feint is an option, but ultimately we want to load Háma with a weapon and Support of the Eagles so that he can continue killing enemies as we are engaging them. This even leaves a restricted slot open for Rohan Warhorse, so that Háma can make multiple attacks per round. For games where even our mulligan betray us, it is nice to keep playing Foe-hammer until we have all of the necessary pieces in-hand. Wait no longer is a powerful and risky card, but it fits my deck-building style perfectly, and I look forward to seeing what other players do with it as well.