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Forth Eorlingas |
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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Urthli 334
This deck was created for a two player campaign where both player decks use the Rohan archetype. The first of the two decks - Ride of the Horse Lords - leans heavily into the discard mechanic and mount aspect of the Rohan theme while the second deck - Warriors of the Riddermark - revolves around attacking into the staging area while maintaining low threat.
When crafting these two decks, I used a single cardpool for both decks in which every Adventure Pack or Expansion is only included once. So if one deck plays 3x Escort from Edoras, the other deck won't be playing that card at all.
Depending on the scenario, you'll want to muligan for either a Light-footed Steed, Horn of the Mark, or the Golden Shield. Next on the list are allies to play with Lothíriel such as the Westfold Lancer, Escort from Edoras or Westfold Horse-breeder. Finally, you're always happy to see Morwen Steelsheen or Need Brooks No Delay.
The hero line-up has clearly defined roles for each hero.
- Lothíriel will be your primary quester. Give her Windfola for additional and Horn of the Mark for extra card draw almost every turn.
- Thengel is your defender. Once equipped with Golden Shield He should be able to tank most attacks. If you can manage to give him a Light-footed Steed on top of that, he can both contribute to questing and be ready to defend a big attack during the combat phase.
- Éomer is your main attacker, with a base 3 that gets boosted to 5 after any ally leaves play he can take down weaker enemies in one hit. When he has Firefoot, this gets boosted even further to a total of 7 . As a bonus, you can also give him Arod to allow Éomer to assist with clearing locations as well.
This deck plays a ton of allies which can be put into play quickly through Thengel's ability. Hard drawing into them is also not the end of the world as Lothíriel's ability lets you put them into play from your hand, quest and then recycle them into the deck where Thengel can find them again later during the game. Getting your allies into play this way leaves you with resources to spend on valuable attachments or events instead.
The best targets for Lothíriel's ability are the Escort from Edoras and Westfold Lancer since they do a good job at contributing to questing and their discard ability triggers before the end of the quest phase, allowing you to use Thengel's ability and hopefully put a higher cost ally in play for free. If you don't have these in your hand, Théodwyn, Éomund or the Westfold Horse-breeder are also great targets that have valuable abilties of their own. To get access to these allies more reliably I decided to include both Mustering the Rohirrim and Need Brooks No Delay as well as one copy of The Muster of Rohan to search your deck for what ever ally you might need and either add it to your hand or just put them into play directly.
Gamling is one of the corner stones of the engine. He allows you to recycle Westfold Lancer or Escort from Edoras turn after turn making sure you always have an excellent target to trigger the abilities of all your heroes.
Once in play, Elfhelm and Háma are excellent defenders. Using their abilities will also trigger a discard respons. Éothain is an amazing ally as he can quest and participate in the combat phase every round. Since Éothain does not have a resource match, the only way to get him into play permanently is through Thengel.
Morwen Steelsheen is not only there to heal or reduce threat she can do a lot more. Her action lets you play her from your hand for no cost other than discarding an ally. This does not need to be a drawback since it can be an already exhausted ally or an ally temporarily brought in play with Morwen Steelsheen. This discard allows you to trigger discard responses like those of Éothain or Éomund as well as her own response the moment she hits the field. With her 2 and 2 she can enter play during the combat phase and defend against an 3 attack after discarding an exhausted ally. This makes her a valuable card to keep in your hand and play at the right time.
The rest of the events in this deck are a couple power cards like Hasty Stroke to handle shadow cards and Worthy of Remembrance to deal damage to enemies and trigger the discard abilities of your heroes and allies.
This is more of an idea section. Use it to tune the deck to the deck your friend(s) play and the scenario you're up against.
If your party has access to leadership resources, you can easily swap out Éothain for Déorwine. He is a invaluable ally for this deck, allowing you to cancel shadow effects for the cost of a single resource every time he defends.
A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke can be swapped with eachother depending on the scenario. If the scenario is going hard with both shadow effects and treacheries you can drop cards that are not key to the functioning of the deck, like Arod, Windfola or The Muster of Rohan.
Is the scenario more quest heavy, you could also consider adding in Astonishing Speed for that late game questing boost. Bear in mind that this is a rather costly card to play.
Similarly, for a more combat oriented scenario you can swap out Arod and/or Windfola for a Rohan Warhorse or two.
There are many more options to consider here, too many to list them all. In general it is a good idea to keep the card ratios of your deck in mind when swapping out cards. With this deck specifically, try to keep allies around 25 so that Thengel can dig for them consistently. I found that when I played less allies, Thengel would often miss. For similar reasons, keep at mount attachments at 6 - 8 copies to make sure you can hit them with Westfold Horse-breeder.
Combo Guide
To view a replay, make sure you are logged in on dragncards. Then click on "View Replay". This will open a new room with the final board state of the scenario. Hold down ctrl
and tap the left arrow key
to rewind back to round 1. Then use the right arrow key
to go through the game one step at a time.
There are many ways to play out any given opening hand. The following replays showcase the synergies and ideas to keep in mind during a game. The order in which you choose to resolve the simultaneous trigger effects is often of importance to get the most value out of your combo.
Combo 1
- Morwen Steelsheen
- any Rohan ally
Combo 2
Combo 3
Combo 4
Combo 5 - mixing ideas
Playing out a random opening hand and mixing ideas shown in previous replays.
Scenario Replays
Passage Through Mirkwood
players 1 rounds 5 score 70
Journey Along the Anduin
players 2 rounds 4 score 100
Since these two decks play a ton of Rohan characters, I thought it'd be nice to visualize how they relate to one another. Many of these characters are descendants from the line of Eorl.
Below you can find a Family Tree of the House of Eorl as well as a listing of Rohirrim of notable renown. These warriors served under Théoden, as high ranking commanders, banner men, messengers, or soldiers of Rohan.
Characters with a tiny deckbox icon are included in either this deck or in Warriors of the Riddermark. Golden portrait frames indicate Rohirrim heritage while the silver frame indicates Gondorian heritage.