Mount Gram #2

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Treebeard178 3

This is a deck made specifically for The Escape of Mount Gram (if you could not tell already). The strat is to use The Grey Wanderer to snag Strider. This is done before any of the other setup instructions although it doesn't really matter. Strider allows for you to quest with Gandalf who does not exhaust and gets 2 .

You want to get The Favor of the Lady, Celebrían's Stone, and your Resourceful cards out early to make Gandalf an absolute machine. the song cards are really easy to get and these allow for him to buy cards in your hand. Also, use The Grey Wanderer's ability as often as possible so that when you need the money for allies you can get them.

After Gandalf has sufficient willpower to outquest the opposition you should try to save your allies, with Glorfindel and Gimli being especially helpful because odds are you will have an extra Steward of Gondor or Shadowfax to discard.

By the 3rd stage Gandalf should have an almost uncountable number of attachments which allow him to have around 10 and be able to be readied multiple times each round with Shadowfax and The Grey Wanderer. Use your Forest Snares on Jailor Gornakh.

I would love suggestions for improvement because as of writing I have only played this deck twice, once on normal difficulty and the other on nightmare, both of which I won with scores of 149 and 170 respectfully.