Come and Go 2.0

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Timely Tim 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1062

Pirate Brahm has a newer deck inspired by this one: Timely Tim

Updated with Wait no Longer, because it's the perfect card for every Mablung tactics deck.

This is my first crack at a deck featuring Tactics Prince Imrahil. He's the kind of hero that works well with A Very Good Tale and some expensive Tactics allies. You can use his ability to summon every ally in this deck with the exception of Gandalf. There's a fun mix of Warriors and Gondor allies with enters play and other features that you can use (Since he shuffles in, I highly recommend Beast Mode Beorn every time you activate him!)

Steward of Gondor goes onto Denethor, and he'll be handing them out to the prince every turn.

Visionary Leadership and Heir of Mardil both go on Prince Imrahil. Quest with him, transfer a resource over to him via Denethor to activate both attachments. Then use his ability to call up an ally, and maybe use A Very Good Tale to bring a couple more in.