This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 1-4
The trick here is to use Lothíriel's ability in questing for Prince Imrahil (alongside a host of other great targets) to the trigger Caldara and keep Imrahil for free as a hero. The Burglar's Turn is really a no-brainer here as you would run almost no attachments otherwise and there is no other contract needed.
You quest really well and have maybe the highest ability to swarm out of all my Caldara decks, however it takes a little time until you can really contribute in the combat department. In solo that should hopefully be fine due to you low starting threat, in hugher player counts you should look that other players have a bit more combat to bring to the table than you.
How To Play
Seeing Prince Imrahil early is really amazing with this deck in paticular. Aside from that, having some of your high-impact spirit allies like Glorfindel or Jubayr in your hand from the get-go helps massively as well since you can contribute to comat a lot quicker than otherwise.
This deck changes quite a bit in mulitplayer. Northern Tracker, Rhovanion Outrider and Double Back should all be included in higher player counts for sure, I suggest removing some of your other allies for them (like Soldier of Gondor, Treebeard and Gandalf), transforming your deck more into a focused questing deck rather than anything else. Hasty Stroke is good for some quests, Éowyn is far inferior to Arwen Undómiel here but can be included if someone else needs Arwen.