Rousing the Ents

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QotW - The Siege of Erebor
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Card draw simulator
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Birdman137 118

"But, you see, many of the Ents are younger than I am, by many lives of trees. They are all roused now, and their mind is all on one thing: breaking Isengard. But they will start thinking again before long; they will cool down a little, when we have taken our evening drink. What a thirst we shall have! But let them march now and sing!"


This deck is all about pumping out as many Ents as quickly as possible. Once you have a board full of Ents there is not much that can stop you. An opening hand with Treebeard is a keeper almost regardless of what else you have. I also love to see Gaining Strength in my opening hand, especially with either Treebeard or Wellinghall Preserver. Bifur will steal Faramir's resource nearly every turn and you should try to engage an enemy every turn to get the resource from Mablung. Once Treebeard is in play, you should easily be able to put 2 Ents into play each turn.

The first Steed of the North goes on Faramir and Mablung will take the second one if you find it. Ent Draught usually ends up on either Derndingle Warrior or Treebeard. Tireless Hunters is great for bailing out your tablemates who may have 1 too many enemies and it doesn't hurt it will trigger Faramir's and Mablung's abilities.

With all the resource acceleration, I have plenty of card draw included so you can keep your hand filled up with cards.

Strengths: good against archery, table-wide healing, mid-late game combat, engagements outside the encounter phase

Weaknesses: slow start, low early willpower, not much ranged/sentinel


Mar 21, 2024 doomguard 2121

like the herosetup. the idea with Bifur using Gaining Strength is smart, benefit twice from engaging also. this is oerhaps improveable.

i would think about Wait no Longer perhaps Westfold Outrider and in this case the Son of Arnor could make sense.

sadly you cannot use Mablung ;)

would perhaps include some discardoptions, means Protector of Lórien or Song of Healing you might end up with many ent-cards in your hand (because of Entmoot ) that are too expe3nsive to play all.

would include Feint imo one of the best tacticcards out there.

would discard

then perhaps replace 1 Steed of the North with a Armored Destrier with these 2 horses he become a real hero ;)

specially Wait no Longer makes your deck much faster: if u play it in the questphase after playing an ent in planning:

  • mablung get a res back (so in the end you paid 1 for it)
  • faramir readies the ent, so he can quest (or fight, depends what is needed)
  • you have less staging so you support questing

Mar 21, 2024 Birdman137 118

Thanks for the comments. As for the discard options, once I get Treebeard out, I'm typically playing Ents faster than I can draw them. The extra uniques are also not usually a problem thanks to Daeron's Runes. Yeah, Faint would probably improve the deck, but I just get tired of using it. Secret Vigil is my way of giving back to the table for having Deep Knowledge since I typically play multiplayer.

I'll have to think about Wait no Longer. I see the biggest benefit being having the enemy engaged before staging so you reduce the threat you have to quest against. Otherwise, if the enemy comes out in staging, you could still ready the Ent and get the resource by engaging it. Not sure I'm really seeing the value.

Mar 21, 2024 doomguard 2121

the benefit is, you usually engage 1 enemy more with Wait no Longer and use 1 times more the buffs, because it is in the questphase and then additonal with an asumed 2 enemy regular in engagephase. speciallly in multiplayer these is more commen.

the other thing, you avoid "when revealed"-effects, because it comes into play engaged with you, and, if playing solo or perhaps with 2 player, you might not get an enemy in the 1-2 cards of staging but there is one in the top 5. together with "when revealed" you avoid surge and cursed.

imo Wait no Longer is an autoinclude for fighting or engaging-decks, if it does not cost 2, and with mablung you kind of reduce it to cost 1.

Mar 21, 2024 doomguard 2121

btw. an alternative for Feint is Behind Strong Walls and then defending with faramir or mablung. if there is Beregond at the table, you can use it on him.