Date Night 6: Galadriel and her Arm Candy

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Date Night 6: Galadriel and her Arm Candy (With Alt Arts!) 0 0 2 2.0
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Ipswatch 530

Ipswatch has a newer deck inspired by this one: Date Night 6: Galadriel and her Arm Candy (With Alt Arts!)

With this deck, I am at an end of making one deck for each couple in the LOTR LCG that has a hero version using the extremely fun At the End of All Things. This has been an enjoyable exercise in deck building, and I hope others find some fun in running these decks, which are packed to the brim with Wuv!

Art Update: My goal with all these decks is to be able to construct them and leave them built as grab and go decks! This does mean I need some alt arts made of some of my more frequently played cards. To meet this goal, I have been using Midjourney to bring my vision of Lorien to life! My guiding goal with the arts for this set was to highlight the beauty and light of lorien, as well as try to capture the strange almost fever dream feel of it that is described in detail in the book. I think my two favorite alt art cards would be Galadriel and Nenya, though all of them sparkle with the light of the elves!

Feel free to peruse or print of your own copies here!

Opening Hand: The best thing to find in the opening hand is obviously Mirror of Galadriel as that sets up the ability to scry for whatever else you need. Some other very potent starting cards include O Lórien!, The Elvenking, Nenya and Galion.

Main Goal of the Deck: This decks goal is to get high cost allies into play using The Tree People and A Very Good Tale without the risk of them whiffing thanks to Imladris Stargazer. Generally speaking, with roughly half the deck being comprised of allies, these effects rarely whiff, but the goal is to get out Legolas and other high cost allies on the cheap as early as possible. Keeping in mind that all allies quest for free thanks to Galadriel, and get a strong boost thanks to Celeborn, you should be well on your way.

Defense: This deck has a few defense options. The first and quickest is Celebron who starts with 3, and healers thanks to Galadhrim Healer and Daughter of the Nimrodel. The other option which requires a bit more organization but can be quite potent is Greenwood Defender supported by Elessar. Either defenders benefits from the Wooden Lyre, which gives characters a one attack defense boost, but can be done a number of times equal to your ready instruments. In big boss fights, I tend to stop using the Harps for discard effects, and start exhausting them with the Lyre. This deck could be customized to be more defense heavy by including more copies of the Defender, or including Lembas, but this deck also has some very strong chump blocking options, particularly in the low cost low stat questers that quest without exhausting the turn they come into play.

The Flip: Usually I have used the turn four resources and card draw to fill in whatever gaps i'm missing. It often serves to get a Silver Harp or the ally summoning cards. This is a deck where the money often serves well with whatever you have in your hand rather than requiring any one specific card from your deck.

Double Date: This deck holds its own quite well, and brings some useful ranged to the table. It pairs well with Tom/Goldberry to offset their lack of combat ability, and is fun with the Rowan/Osbera deck when you feel like randomly drawing all your allies. Running two copies of Silvan Refugee does means this couple does not enjoy double dating with Lothiriel/Eomer as Lothiriels power would cause the Refugee's to be discarded.