Brothers of Gondor

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Brothers of Gondor 15 9 1 2.0
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WingfootRanger 2658

WingfootRanger has a newer deck inspired by this one: Brothers of Gondor

"We are truth-speakers, we men of Gondor. We boast seldom, and then perform, or die in the attempt." --Faramir

Here is a mono-leadership deck with Denethor's whole family! Very thematic I would say. It plays just like many other ally-swarm decks, except that Faramir brings a slight wrinkle. So far its performance has been quite good, this deck is able to ramp up willpower while handling combat.

First things first, taking a mulligan for Steward of Gondor is important if it hasn't been drawn yet. Failing that, Sword of Númenor can be an okay backup depending on the enemies in the scenario. After that, just play allies while making sure to keep a resource on Boromir for the attack buff. With Citadel Custodian and Herald of Anórien some of the allies could even be free of cost. Most of the allies are cheap anyway, so some resources can be spared for Timely Aid to bring in more allies, and exhausting some expensive allies with A Very Good Tale also helps bring more into play. For card draw, Rod of the Steward and Erestor help keep the card flow going as needed. Once you draw Visionary Leadership, your ally army will be questing for a very nice sum.

When you do engage an enemy, never forget Faramir's ability. Boromir's attack stat plus an ally boosted by his ability are often enough to handle most mid-size enemies. That said, the best allies for Faramir to ready are Knight of the White Tower, Veteran of Osgiliath, or Anborn. These allies will team up with Boromir for a total of six or more attack. This enhances the combat abilities of the deck, especially in the key early rounds before many allies have hit the table. Also, Dúnedain Warning is a great card for turning Denethor or Boromir into solid defenders. Finally, Strength of Arms is the card to play when you need to ready your ally army for some massive attacks against enemies, it makes for some powerful plays.

I have tested this deck a little in solo, and I've found it to be good as far as mono-leadership decks go. I have yet to play it in a multiplayer environment, but I could Imagine Faramir capitalizing on his ranged skills with that Sword of Númenor to gain more resources for this resource hungry deck. Obviously, its lack of healing or cancellation is a bit of a weakness at times, but as long those are covered by other decks, this one should provide extensive questing/combat power to see the group through the quest. It would also be fully capable of sharing its resources with the team as well. If you try this deck, whether solo or multiplayer, I hope you find it enjoyable to see the two brothers leading the forces of Gondor.


May 20, 2017 DazeMan 710

Cool deck. I like mono-leadership Gondor decks, they are fun to play. I really have found to like pairing up the new mount, Steed of the North, matches up nicely with Faramir. With that you can boost up one of his other stat lines, making him a quester and combat ready. It's a fun combo, ready an ally and Faramir upon engaging an enemy.

May 20, 2017 WingfootRanger 2658

Thanks Daze, I agree that they are fun to play. To me it feels awesome to be in command of Gondor's armies. Steed of the North is a nice suggestion I didn't think of, though I would have to choose between it and Sword of Númenor or Tome of Atanatar. The best choice among those would depend on the scenario.

May 21, 2017 darthvaler 1

Can you give me feedback about [Timely Aid]? How often do you find yourself being forced playing cheap (cost: 2 or less) allies through it?

Why no [Gandalf]? What about [Dunedain Remedy]?

Have you tried [Ingold]? How good is he?

May 21, 2017 WingfootRanger 2658

@darthvaler Feedback? Absolutely!

-Timely Aid: I estimate around 70% of the time it fetches a 3+ cost ally. Even when fetches a 2 cost ally, that's 2 willpower with Visionary Leadership. Even at those times it is usually worth it to just get another ally on the table. So far I haven't been forced to play only an Errand-rider, thought it is possible it would be quite rare.

-Gandalf (core set I assume): Not the poorest choice for this deck, but his temporary nature is a bit at odds with how this deck wants to steadily accumulate allies that stay on the table. Plus, I already have other expensive cards and little room for Sneak Attack.

-Dúnedain Remedy: It might be worth it against quests with archery, but generally Dúnedain Warning already provides some damage protection within the damage prone combat phase. If you want to swap it in, that's okay, but I think there are already other worthy attachments in this deck.

-Ingold: He is an alright card if more willpower is needed, but otherwise I haven't missed him too badly since moving him to the sideboard. It is best to play him if you end up with excess resources to spare, otherwise those resources he ties up may be better spent on more allies.