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In Play
Discard Pile
Mormegil 6432
This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 1-4
My take on a Gondor deck running the A Perilous Voyage contract, which might not be a very strong contract but one I enjoy a lot. The premise here is pretty simple - Inner Strength goes on Denethor to have a reliable defender round 1, after which you use your various resource acceleration tools to build up you board with allies to handle the bulk of attacking and questing. Lothíriel also helps a lot with that (especially early on) while Erestor and the contract keep your hand full of options.
How To Play
I usually want some resource acceleration early on to sustain my ally output, with Steward of Gondor and Legacy of Númenor/The Seeing-stone especially useful. Aside from that, in quests that require heavy questing early on (or if you are the groups go-to quester for multiplayer), Visionary Leadership and/or Faramir are cards I often target.
Dúnedain Warning is a nice replacement for Inner Strength if you cannot run The One Ring or prefer Power of Command for some additional questing power. Leather Boots and Man the Walls are very decent includes in higher player counts, Heed the Dream is a card I always enjoy with A Perilous Voyage.