Support of the Eagles

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Glorfindain63 10

This was more of an experimental deck for me, as I usually prefer to have some Spirit or Lore to back up my combat-heavy decks. And yes, this is a combat-heavy deck.

Heroes: Yeah, I know, Dáin Ironfoot. Not very original, but does it really get much better for a dwarven synergy? It's also harder to find a hero better prepared for combat than Gimli. He can also handle most of the defending while building up an arsenal of allies. And of course, Thalin is pretty weak until you put Celebrían's Stone on him, but his power is nice and he keeps the threat at a slightly manageable 31.

Allies: Obviously an eagle focus. They comprise a fifth of the entire deck. Dwarves also play an important role, assisting the quest immensely with plays of Longbeard Elder. And for 7 Leadership resource (a cinch with Steward of Gondor), Fili, Kili, and Faramir can all be added to the game, boosting the willpower by six every round.

Attachments: Support of the Eagles and Steward of Gondor are the focuses here. Noticing that the deck was a bit short on readying effects, I added 3 Cram at the last minute, which are not necessarily killer, but useful at times. Resourceful can go on whoever doesn't have Steward of Gondor, and Gimli can become his standard killing machine with Citadel Plate and Blade of Gondolin.

Events: The power in this deck lies in the constant cards, not in the one-and-done events. But Feint and Lure of Moria can become very handy in a pinch.

All in all, this deck finds its source of awesomeness in slaying enemies--fast and hard. Questing is a bit more difficult, but if you can hold out for the first few rounds, long enough to acquire Steward of Gondor, a bit of resource, and a couple dwarves, you're all set for an exciting game!