The Eyes of the White Tower

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Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church... 0 0 0 1.0
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Seastan 42203

"Didst thou think that the eyes of the White Tower were blind? Nay, I have seen more than thou knowest, Grey Fool." - Denethor, The Return of the King

This deck seeks to outwit the Dark Lord by foreseeing his next move.

Play all the attachments on Denethor. He will be able to use exhaust to use the Palantir each round (this is the main source of card draw, so try to mulligan for it), and ready himself using Unexpected Courage to provide you with a powerful defender.

Caldara here is just a questing hero that sticks to the Gondor theme. Her ability is not to be used... unless at the uttermost end of need.

Give it a try. You will be surprised to see just how powerful the knowledge from the Palantir can be!

Best paired with: A deck with high early willpower (Eowyn/Cirdan etc.) and a strong ranged attacker (Legolas/Hadlir/Bard/Brand). For solo play, swapping out Caldara for Eowyn would certainly make the deck better by boosting your early game willpower, if you don't mind the thematic concession.


Sep 06, 2016 banania 1826

Hey, would it be possible to turn this deck into a semi-Caldara deck? Since Prince Imrahil came out I've seen a few 2-heroes decks popping up with Caldara. I've always wanted to make a Gondor-themed Caldara deck but : 1) there's no way to improve resource acceleration if not playing Arwen/Elven Light 2) there's no Gondor-reliable way of discarding cards. I've played around the idea of Pippin as the third hero, just to benefit from the 2 and low-threat as well as Good Meal to help fuel Fortune or Fate. Or do you think Beregond would be viable in such an environment? Sadly, I don't see its ability being useful here.

Sep 13, 2016 Seastan 42203

I think I'd go with both Spirit Pippin and Beregond and drop Eleanor. It works well mechanically and thematically! You might want another draw engine though (no more palantir), like Wandering Tooks and hobbit pipes or mathoms+tombs.

Sep 17, 2016 banania 1826

If you go down the Wandering Took + Pippin + pipe road (as well as Bilbo Baggins I'd wager) what kind of event would you include? I had thought of triggering the pipes on to Beregond's or Damrod's actions but it does nos work... too bad, I think it would great for theme.

Sep 17, 2016 Seastan 42203

The best card for hobbit pipes is Elrond's Counsel, which might not be too hard to play in a Caldara deck even without a Noldor hero if you have Arwen, Glorfindel, and Lindir allies.

Other options are of course Smoke Rings, Elevenses, and the often overlooked Free to Choose. The Galadhrim's Greeting is an option but I'd prefer to save the resources for Fortune or Fate.