The Bear and the Maiden Fair

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Crus 71

And off they went, from here to there, The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair.

This deck is centered around two of current my favorite heroes, the bear (Grimbeorn the Old) and the maiden fair (Éowyn).

While Grimbeorn the Old is intended to deal with the combat, Éowyn and Hirgon deal with the quest phase. Due to the amount of allies, there should always be a target for the ability of Hirgon.

Raiment of War is the ideal attachment for Grimbeorn the Old, as it pushes both, attack and defense, and allows to use Foe-hammer and Sterner than Steel. For consistency, Open the Armory is also a good card on the starting hand. In most cases, it willl fetch you Raiment of War. Captain of Gondor is also a very good attachment for Grimbeorn the Old, boosting attack and defense without being restricted.

Grimbeorn the Old should be able to handle the enemies you are facing at the beginning. After a few turns, you should have a quite strong combat army with Beorn, Giant Bear (both can be sneaked into play by Beorning Skin-changer), Legolas and Defender of Rammas. Honour Guard makes sure, that Grimbeorn the Old and Defender of Rammas do not die to nasty shadow effects or strong enemies.

The willpower is boosted by The Red Arrow, Meneldor and Grimbold (who is in the deck with 3 copies, as he has also a very nice emergency ability).

Gandalf covers the usualy weaknesses of pure tactics decks (threat, card draw, willpower).

I had quite a lot of games with this deck and enjoyed each single one. The success rate was also quite high.