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Durins_Father 3051

Another one of my solo-hero decks. This time I chose for a mono-sphere deck that would make use of a lot of card draw to fuel Protector of Lórien to boost the stats on Treebeard. This would allow for a very sturdy defender and quester.

However, there is a problem within a mono- deck, readying effects are very limited to certain traits. There is no overall readying effect available to Ents and therein lies a problem. To counter this problem, I included Elf-friend to give Treebeard the Noldor and Silvan traits. This means he can now benefit from Lembas (which also heals him from 3 points of damage) and Silvan Tracker who will heal him at the end of the round, this stacks as more Trackers are on the table. To bring back the Lembas, I included the Erebor Hammersmith who can get it back as long as it is the topmost attachment in the pile. So be very careful with when you do pop Lembas.

Additional healing is included with the Wellinghall Preserver, Warden of Healing, Imladris Caregiver who can discard cards that you'll have plenty off later on, and Dori who can take some of that damage to be placed onto himself instead of Treebeard. Attachments like Ent Draught and Lembas will also keep Treebeard alive for a while. All this healing would allow him to make the most out of his own effect.

Word of Caution!!: Be very careful with the damage, Treebeard is your only hero before you place a Sword-thain on somebody. If he is killed, you lose immediately. It is tricky but make sure you can heal most of the damage to make sure that Treebeard survives.

What was also quite hard is that Treebeard cannot have any Restricted attachments, fortunately, cards like Resourceful, A Burning Brand and Ent Draught aren't restricted.

Protector of Lórien is one of the other cards that plays a vital role in this deck, since the restriction on it has been clarified to 3 cards per copy of Protector of Lórien, so if you get all 3 on Treebeard and manage to ditch 9 cards, you're looking at a hefty quester or defender (especially with A Burning Brand). To draw your cards, I included a lot of card draw to fuel Protector of Lórien and the Imladris Caregiver for additional emergency healing.

Further allies are included for their and for more bodies on the board, the Ents are easy to find in this deck with Entmoot. Hidden Cache replaces itself and lets you gain a resource.

If by some reason, you get your threat above 20, Vanish from Sight will let you play a free Needful to Know to help you lower your threat some more. It might be worth to check the encounter deck first with Henamarth Riversong for optimal effect.

Cards to Mulligan for are: Elf-friend, Lembas, Protector of Lórien and allies are always nice to have in play. Once you do have enough resources, find a suitable target for Sword-thain for a safer Treebeard. Mind that some allies are there to soak damage and will have to be managed properly to avoid a dead hero right after you made him Sword-thain.

As always, I hope you like this Solo-Hero deck with Treebeard. If there are any suggestions on what hero to do next, comment below. Also let me know is I missed a card, combination or need to include some other cards that I haven't.

Hope you like the decks I made so far