Rosie..... My Hero

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Card draw simulator
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Cav Fan 239

So let's go with Rosie Cotton as a Hero then.

Obviously hubby is coming along and Pippin is the third wheel for access .

For your opening hand should really be looking for Resourceful. All of these are to go on Pippin so that he can play Gaffer Gamgee every turn if necessary

The rest of the attachments are intuitive:- Celebrían's Stone for Rosie Cotton; Hobbit Cloak for Sam Gamgee. Friend of Friends's are for Mr and Mrs Gamgee

Fast Hitch 1 is Sam Gamgee's, number 2 is Rosie Cotton's. Number three is situational, it usually goes on Sam Gamgee but could go on Rosie Cotton for mega buffing if your threat is still low enough to get the ready on Sam Gamgee from engaging high threat cost enemies and therefore still use Gaffer Gamgee for defence.

Master of the Forge finds all of these attachments for you, and the rest of the allies provide extra or attack. Erebor Hammersmith is there for any attachments that get discarded to A Very Good Tale

Finally the mono hobbit staples Drinking Song and The Shirefolk for threat reduction and card draw. Timely Aid and A Very Good Tale to get those big allies in cheap.