Oh No! More Dwarves

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Dessloch 13

I love playing with dwarfs: they do well both in questing and combat, and they have some very interesting mechanics.

I have been playing for a while with a 3 Hero dwarf deck, but I wanted to try the Bond of Friendship. Hence, this is my own version of archetypical Dwarf Horde deck.

There are several Dwarves that benefit from the "if you control at least 5 Dwarf characters" condition, including Ori, Bifur, Dwalin, and Glóin.

Drawing cards should be quite easy with Legacy of Durin, Bifur, Ori, King Under the Mountain, and Daeron's Runes. In addition, I have also added Ring of Thrór, but I just play it occasionally, depending on the situation.

Gaining Resources can be a little bit more tricky. Fortunately, some mechanics will help playing allies and attachments at a lower cost: Fili / Kili, Dwalin, Ring of Thrór ... Nevertheless, the key here is to get Steward of Gondor asap. Mulligan for it if necessary, unless you have a great initial hand. Together with the Songs, A Good Harvest, and the Narvi's Belt, it should become easier to put into play those many cards from different spheres that you will end up drawing. To this respect, Hidden Cache is also there just to discard it when possible and gain the 2 additional resources.

Some additional notes:

  • I keep Dáin Ironfoot ready most of the time, unless I need it to defend some tricky attack. On the other hand, Gimli is of course my heavy hitter, and I'll try to have it with 3 damage if possible.
  • Threat reduction with Nori should help keeping your threat at a "reasonable" level.
  • Ever My Heart Rises and Untroubled by Darkness can be substituted by other cards (e.g. A Test of Will) if the scenario doesn't include the type of locations that trigger the efects on those cards
  • I know: "Gandalf and no Sneak Attacks? heresy!" feel free to include them if needed
  • I love Far-sighted. I know, it increases an already high threat, but scrying 5 cards from the encounter deck is just so helpful... I would probably end up including 2 copies. Along these lines, Longbeard Elder is also there for similar reasons, although in a more limited sense.
  • Gather Information is also another card that sometimes I end up not playing, depending on the scenario. However, occasionally it can be helpful to get that specific card you are missing (e.g. Steward of Gondor)
  • Only 1 Warden of Healing can be a little bit lacking, depending on the scenario. Include another one if you expect lots of enemies.