Highly Thematic Caldara Deck

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banania 1913

I like playing thematically. If you're looking for a strong deck, this is not the place, Caldara decks can be immensely powerful, I advise you take a look at Caldara/Arwen Undómiel/Galadriel combination decks, with lots of powerful allies like Glorfindel, Lindir, etc. who do not fit the Gondorian theme but enhance the deck in stratospheric ways.


The Heroes

Caldara of course, Beregond of course. As I wanted to make it viable in an easy-mode-solo environnement, I opted for the infamous Pippin as a third hero. Granted, his ability is totally useless here, but he's only thematic choice questing for 2 AND he gives you access to some sort of resource acceleration in the form of a Good Meal which comes in handy for paying Fortune or Fate hefty cost. He's also only 6 threat, the deck starting at 24 threat can be a game-saver providing you with the time you need to turtle a bit.

You might want to consider:

  • Good old Éowyn to accelerate discard and early questing power
  • Eleanor if you're playing multiplayer (4 players especially).

In both case, you'll be losing the resource acceleration provided by Pippin, but if Denethor, Boromir and the Visionary Leadership are on board, this deck can really shine.

The deck

The problem with playing a Gondor-focused Caldara is how to get those allies in the discard pile. Looking at the Gondor trait, there is Emery and well, that's it. Gondor is not much about discarding, but Rohan can be, and why not considering allies that discard themselves (hey, sidenote: Damrod discards himself)?. I've not tested it with a more Rohan-focused approach, but it might work.

Instead, I crammed all the Gondor and Outlands allies I could, just adding Hama (discarding himself). This deck can quest, my, my.

Apart from Emery and Damrod/Hama discarding themselves, there is no option in Gondor to discard cards. I thus made the thematic concession of including Steed of Imladris. Such a good card in this deck, allowing to discard either an ally or an Elven-light. If you don't get those lights out early, you might stumble across a Ancient Mathom as you're exploring a location. Draw, solved.

Beregond is the recipient for Livery of the Tower, Silver Lamp (such an underrated card), Blood of Númenor and the target of Desperate Defense making him an amazing defender (much better than I thought in the first place). Threat, solved.

Granted, the deck lacks a bit of but he can hold by itself quite a bit!

Give it a try! Not nearly as half as strong as real Caldara deck, but still nice!

The Future

I certainly hope to see some more Gondorian allies I could get into this deck, one of them being the Linhir-sea Captain! I'll made an update then.


Sep 18, 2016 Lecitadin 205


Sep 18, 2016 banania 1913

Indeed ^^

Sep 19, 2016 RegisF 6

Well-equiped can be an interesting alternative to the steeds which can be replaced by the other blue horse or unexpected courage.