Nolder and Dúnedain banding together

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Ferdinandt 1

This is my first deck build ever:). Looking for feedback! Its ment as a supportdeck in a four player game. Using three of the starters (Gondor, Rohan and Silvan) next to it. Very excited to try it out.

Idea is you get Vilya with Gather Information thanks to Thurindir

The Long Defeat should do some nice spread out healing thanks to Elrond Fr Arwen Undómiel you can discard Hidden Cache and of course Elven-light.

Galdor of the Havens and Silver Harp should compensate for the discarding of cards.


Nov 01, 2022 NERD 808

This deck looks very well built for a first published deck. Nicely done! Personally, I would max out Elrond's Counsel, and Elven-light. You can always discard them if they are not needed. In addition, I would still take multiple copies of Vilya as if you draw it, Gather Information can find something else for you (possibly Imladris Stargazer to guarantee that Vilya hits something good. Glorfindel and Galdor of the Havens would also be good additions. Also, Tale of Tinúviel is a card I have always found to be too fun not to include. I would cut Hidden Cache (I see no way for it to trigger), Ithilien Lookout, Gléowine (for theme reasons), and Gandalf (for theme reasons and Elven-light,Legacy Blade, and Elrond's Counsel do his three options better). Finally, Unexpected Courage is always great with a beefy hero like Elrond.

Nov 01, 2022 Ferdinandt 1

Thanks so much for the feedback!

just to understand how the Hidden Cache works; wouldn't the response trigger when i discard a card for Arwen Undómiel?

I'll cut Gandalf and Gléowine, that will let me buff Elrond's Counsel and Elven-light. thanks!

Nov 01, 2022 NERD 808

Your welcome; Hidden Cache only triggers when it is discarded from the top of your deck from an effect like Zigil Miner, Expert Treasure-hunter, Flame of Anor, etc. It would probably go far better in a dwarf deck.